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Memory Lane. It was one of the best places in the world sometimes. Others, it was the complete worst.

I loved it when it brought to me memories of the past, when Nana and I were still little. I also loved it when it brought memories of Garroth, ones that I treasured more than anything Nana could've given me. Oh Irene I loved him so much, more than I ever thought I could love someone.

But then, sometimes it brought the memories of the past, memories that hurt me over and over again every single time. Memories of the King and everything he did to me. Everything he made me do to others.

When I was younger, and Nana had just left home, I didn't know what to do with my life. I missed my sister, my twin, my best friend. I had no one else to talk to about boys or annoying parents with. And of course there was this one cute boy I had a crush on. In my opinion of the time, he was really cute and sweet. So of course I wanted to show off and get him to like me.

For the first time, I used my magicks in front of someone who wasn't my family. I controlled the weather because I wanted the day to be perfect. He was in awe, and we started hanging out from there on. Looking back on it now, I realized that he had just wanted to hang out with me because of my magicks, nothing else. I thought that he really liked, maybe even loved me.

One day, when I went to his house, soldiers of the royal house were there. I was whisked away without another word, and since then, I haven't seen my parents. I honestly doubt that they are still alive.

I was taken to the King's summer estate, where I met the King. I was terrified, only about twenty years old at the time. But he was nice. At first.

He told me that he was sorry if I had been scared, but it had to be done. He said my magick was one of the rarest kinds, and could be very dangerous if used for the wrong reasons. I want to help you. I want to help you funnel your magick and use it to help better the region. With you by my side, Tula will be stronger and more powerful than ever before.

He offered me riches and fame and castles and anything I could ever want. Of course I agreed, hoping that I could make a name for myself someday. Isn't that every child's dream?

I should've seen that something was wrong from the beginning. I'd read enough stories as a child to know that when a King asked something of you, you never expected something back, even if he promised. But I was blind and dumb. I was happy for a year or so, doing menial jobs such as making it rain on certain days or clearing the skies for a special occasion. I wrote home to my parents often, and I became fast friends with another Meif'wa by the name of Shaden Rose. Her sister was in Ru'aun, and she wanted to find her someday, exact same as me. She was also the King's personal champion, ruthless and not afraid to get her hands dirty.

But after several years of boredom and simple jobs, the King changed. He started acting harsher and ruder, and since then, none of our lives were the same. He sent me and Shaden out more and more, forcing us to destroy villages who didn't listen to him or obey his wishes. People started to fear me, and just the name Alicia made people shudder in terror. People considered me the King's Toy, and I was forced to do things that would've put me in jail under normal circumstances.My life, and the lives of those around me, were so different from how they had been only a month earlier.

That was when we came to Ru'aun. I was the one that guided all of the cannon balls to just the right places in the walls so we could break through. I powered the ships across the ocean faster than they were supposed to go. We took over O'kasis, capturing the Lady Ro"meave with the help of Ivy the Venom Scythe. She was a traitor to her own people, and the King didn't trust her. So he sent me to kill her after her job was completed. I was on my way to do so when I witnessed Ivy fighting two men, one a what I later learned to be a Shadow Knight, and the other a relic holder. A wyvern had swept in and killed Ivy, and that was when I knew that this was my chance.

I bolted, running away from O'kasis as fast as my legs could carry me. Shaden was sent after me, furious at me for trying to run away without her. She was not going to let me go. I lead her and the other soldiers on a wild chase through the Sacred Forest for what must have been months. I always found food or water to live on, but I couldn't find the way out. Then I stumbled into another forest, one that Shaden finally caught up in. We started to fight, and that was when Garroth arrived. I recognized him as the man who had been fighting and almost killed Ivy. He was technically the reason why I was able to run away. I wouldn't let him die, that much I had known. So I saved him and killed Shaden, and next thing I know I meet my sister again after more than fifteen years.

Memory Lane. It was one of the best places in the world sometimes. Others, it was the complete worst.

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