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Zane, Zack, Elizabeth, and Michael all started on their way, covering their outside appearances to keep themselves from being seen. Rosalind watched them go, leaning against the railing of the ship. I turned away, turning my attention towards Laurance. He was refusing to turn around, refusing to even look at the village he loved so much.

"Laurance?" I whispered, sidling up next to him. He glanced at me, eyes filled with misery.

"What Emma?" He growled slightly, and I realized how much this was hurting him. I didn't understand what he was going through, seeing as the Nether had sucked away all of my emotions and that I no longer cared for anyone except Cadenza. But Laurance had slowly made his way back into my heart, no matter how much I had hated him for so many years. I realized now that my anger had been completely unfueled, put into place by Zane as he tried to use me.

"I'm sorry." He stared at me, a light smile on his lips.

"I should be the sorry one." We stood there in silence, glancing at the sun every so often. "You don't know how hard this is. I can see Aphmau's house on the hill, the guard towers I spent so many hours in, the Tree in the center of the village, Lucinda's house, and every part of Phoenix Drop that makes it home." He sighed, leaning against the rail and staring out at the village,

"If I imagine, I can see the portal Zoey created to pull us out of the Irene Dimension. I can see the old guard station Aphmau built for Garroth back when she was just starting out. I can see Ungrth's grave, the wyvern who saved me from the Nether."

"I remember him." I said, remembering the golden wyvern that had always been there when Laurance had needed him. Laurance nodded sadly, eyes in the past.

"He broke through the barrier of the Nether to rescue me because he knew I was in pain. He brought me back at the cost of his own life. And he's not the only one who died. Aaron, he sacrificed himself to save Garroth from the Irene Dimension, killing Zane in the process. That's why he's a Shadow Knight. He did it because he... he was in love with Aphmau, and he couldn't bear to see her kill himself just in the hope that she could rescue Garroth. So he did it himself." Laurance sighed, pulling his gaze from the village.

"Sometimes I feel like an idiot because of that. I was busy fighting the Shadow Knight at the time, and didn't spend enough time with her. I just assumed that she still loved me, and couldn't fathom the idea that she might have fallen in love with someone else. But she did, and he sacrificed himself because he loved her just as much. I never could've done that- willingly sacrifice myself, even if it was for someone I loved more than life itself."

I was about to reply when Rosalind roused crew. "It's time to go! Let's move out!" Murmurs of excitement spread through the group, and I grabbed Laurance's elbow. It gave the appearance of escorting a prisoner, but really I was trying to give him comfort.

The group of us- maybe about ten or twelve- started down the gangway and into town. I didn't suspect that anyone would recognize me. I was just forgettable.

But as we walked past one of the main roads, Laurance tensed up. "Emma!" He whispered fiercely, breath catching in his throat. I turned to look at him when I saw the object of his attention.

Standing by the gate was a woman with hair the color of fire. She was laughing and hugging a man with blue hair. But she was far from being dead. She was very much alive.

Love Can Mend {An Aphmau Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now