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"It's not fair! Why does Zane get to come back while he's trapped there?!" My anger at Aaron's predicament and Zane being free boiled over into crying into Dante's chest as he held me close.

"Aph? What do you mean he's trapped there?" I suddenly realized what I had said, and the tears stopped immediately. My breath hitched, and I kept my face buried in Dante's chest. I didn't want to say it. If I said it, it would be real. But it might have just been a dream...

"Aphmau?" When Dante spoke, I could feel the reverberations through his chest. "Aphmau, please tell us." I sighed, pushing away from him and looking around at all the worried faces.

I have to tell them. All dreams are important, I've learned that. Taking a deep breath, I looked straight at Garroth.

"I had a dream." I began. He looked away from the wall and focused on me, gears turning in his head. "In it, I was... at a very special place with one of the special people in my life. It was somewhere I never thought I'd see again." Garroth narrowed his eyes, so close to the answer.

"We shared something special. We talked. And then came the bells." His eyes widened, and he fell to his knees in front of me. He reached out and took my hands in his.

"Are you saying that you saw Aaron at the tree?" I nodded slightly, tears already burning in my eyes. "Why didn't you tell us as soon as it happened?!" He exclaimed, and I shook my head, leaning against Dante again.

"I didn't know if it was real or if it was just my imagination creating a world where he was actually there. But... hearing about Zane... I know it was real. I know it was!" I cried, nodding my head firmly and squaring my shoulders. Garroth smiled softly at me, and Dante squeezed my shoulders.

"And I have to get him back! He's there, and I will bring him back, no matter how hard I have to try!" Garroth laughed, squeezing my hands.

"If this is how determined you were to get me out, then I understand why there was no stopping you." I smiled softly, sadness in my core as I remembered that it was my fault that Aaron had died.

"You deserve this Lady Aphmau." Dante murmured. "And we can figure out how to get him back later. But for now... let's figure out what to do about the possibility of Zane." I nodded, and Garroth pulled away from me, standing and going back to his place by the wall. I saw Katelyn and Travis exchanging a glance, and I saw Richard deep in thought.

"Alright, so, here's what I don't understand. From what I've heard of Zane and from all of your reactions, I figure that Zane would never want anyone to know that he was back." Richard spoke, and Katelyn nodded.

"And Vylad and Laurance would just appear. They wouldn't send word. So maybe, Laurance or Vylad, most likely Laurance, ran into Zane while he was in the Nether. And Zane is forcing him to lead him out of the Nether and to Phoenix Drop or somewhere else. He's probably using leverage over Laurance, because, well, I don't think Vylad would get himself stuck in that situation. Knowing Zane, he would be using someone close to Laurance, either Lady cadenza, you Garroth, or you, Lady Aphmau. After all, the last time we heard from him, he still loved you." I nodded, remembering the days when I was torn between Garroth who wasn't there and Laurance who was right beside me.

"Mhm... Richard, I want you to get Alexis, Kyle, and two others and warn the Phoenix Capital, Bright Port, New Meteli, Pikoro, and Scaleswind of Zane. I want you to go to New Meteli though. I figure Lady Cadenza will be in the most danger. Garroth, Katelyn, stay here. Travis, add another guard to the rotation. Dante, I want you to set up a watch around the children of the village. Make sure that Leona and one guard are always watching them." Everyone nodded, going to their respective positions. Garroth picked up his chair and sat back down, as did Katelyn. Once the others had left the room, I turned towards them, letting my guard fall.

"Garroth, Katelyn, you are my two closest friends. And I trust you with this." Taking a deep breath, I looked them in the eyes. "I'm scared." They both blinked in shock before talking over top of each other.

"Please, let me explain." They quieted, waiting for me to speak. I sighed, suddenly nervous. "I'm scared that the baby won't be born before Zane arrives, or it will have just been born and I won't be strong enough or physically able to fight or defend Phoenix Drop. After all, Levin gave me lordship of this village, and I intend to protect it. But what if I actually can't? And what if Zane does something to my child? What would happen then?" I shuddered, looking down at my hands. Katelyn placed her hand overtop of mine, and I looked up at her.

"Aphmau, I swear on my life that I will not let any harm come to you or any child in this village. And, let's be honest. Unless you are completely bedridden, you will still be up and swinging a sword need be." I giggled, and Garroth shrugged.

"You know it's true Aph. Now, how about you get some rest? I'll make sure that no one disturbs you for the rest of the day." Garroth helped me out of my chair, and I nodded gratefully.

"Thank you Garroth. Thank you Katelyn. I couldn't ask for better friends. But, I want you both to know one thing." I look at both of them, a determined smile spreading over my face.

"No matter what I have to do, and no matter how long I have to wait, I will bring him home. I love him too much to leave him."

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