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Song: Iron Giant by Sub Pub Music

    I slipped out of the clearing we had chosen to rest in. Cadenza was tied up to another tree, sleeping as peacefully as she could. Emma was curled up next to the smoking embers of the fire, trying to keep herself warm. Laurance had his hands tied together, and he leaned against a log, fast asleep.

    My boots crunched softly in the hard dirt path and the snow. I wasn't wearing my armor, but my sword and dagger still hung at my waist. My single ice blue eye glared out at the world around me, not missing a thing. A mask covered the lower part of my face, protecting it from the cold.

    Pushing past a tree branch, I came into another clearing full of several people that I slightly recognized from years ago. Every head swiveled as I entered, and my name was whispered around the clearing. Head held high and that insolent smirk I loved on my face, I continued to stalk through the clearing until I was in the center and could see every face. Then I chuckled, a sound that could bring warriors to their knees if they were smart.

    "Good evening... friends." I could tell by the shivers that ran through several people that my voice hadn't changed in sixteen years, and it was still as bone-chilling as before. "I'm glad you all could make it." I sneered, making my expression as hateful as possible.

    "Zane Ro'Maeve." A man with dark brown hair, tan skin, and brown eyes stepped forwards. He wore a long grey cape and chainmail armor. A large broadsword rested on his hip, giving off the look of someone who didn't want to be crossed.

    "The one and only." I bowed, sweeping an imaginary cloak to the side. He scoffed, crossing his arms and sitting back in his heels. "And who might you be? I'm afraid your presence doesn't strike fear into my heart like it should." There was a daunting tone to my voice, telling him that I was above him and he shouldn't forget it.

    "I am Zack, leader of those who wish to defy the rulers of this region. None of us believe in that stupid woman, telling us that she is actually Lady Irene, nor do we believe that the 'Shadow Lord' is back or even real. But if you're here, he at least must be." I took a step forwards, hand resting on the hilt of my sword.

    "If I were you, I would watch your tone of voice around me." I growled in my most threatening voice. He scoffed, but he lowered his gaze from mine. Holding my head high, I looked around at all of the others,

    "Would someone please inform me of who this woman pretending to be Irene is? I'm afraid that my prisoners either don't know themselves or just won't tell me." A woman stepped forwards, sea-green eyes full of fire and blue hair pulled back tightly. Blinking quickly, I realized that she was almost the spitting image of Katelyn the Firefist.

    "Who are you?" I growled, determined not to let anyone see that I had been thrown off guard. She smiled the exact same smile that Katelyn would always have when I assigned her to a new village.

    "My name is Elizabeth. And to answer your previous question, this woman is no other than Lady Aphmau of Phoenix Drop." My eye widened ever so slightly, but I recovered my composure quickly.

    "If that is the case, then she is not lying. She truly is Lady Irene, I know that much for a fact." Low murmurings went through the assembled people, and I knew I had caught their attention. I raised my hand for silence before continuing. "We can talk about this later if you so wish. But for the reason I gathered you here- will you help me? I plan to take on Phoenix Drop and gain control, then take over the entire region once more." Agreement was heard from all voices in the clearing, and I smiled a most gruesome smile. My revenge was almost here. After that, no one will be safe from me, no matter what they do or who they are.

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