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"We're leaving. Today." Zane tossed water on the fire, causing it to pop and hiss. He stalked over to me, bringing his sword up and slashing through the rope that bound my hands above my head. They fell down to my lap with a thud, and my arms screamed in pain. Blood courses through them and they start to shake. My hands were still bound together, but at least they weren't above my head. He also cut through the rope around my waist, and I could finally breathe right again.

Laurance scrambled to his feet, waking Emma up as well. She stirred, sitting up and stretching.

"And where exactly are we going?" I asked, feeling brave. He turned to me, and I could tell that he was smirking under his mask.

"Why, my dear, where else? I'm going on a little... enlistment... journey. Now, march." He started laughing, and fear swept through my heart. Then he grabbed the back of my nightgown and hauled me to my feet. I immediately fell against the tree, my legs unable to support me properly.

Emma made her way to my side, wrapping her arm around my waist and supporting me. I rested against her gratefully, enjoying her warmth more than anything.

"Walk!" He ordered, then frowned at Emma. "She will walk alone." Emma started to protest, but I pushed her away and started to walk, hands bound in front of me. She wouldn't get punished for my sake.

I stumbled along, limping slightly and always out of breath. But he never let me stop, never gave me a break. No matter how slow I was, or how obvious it was that I couldn't go on, he made me keep walking.

It was in this matter that we made our way towards Bright Port. Halfway through the day, it started to snow.

Now, normally I love the snow, even if it was a couple months early. It's beautiful and magical and perfect inspiration for fashion. But when the only thing you are wearing is a summer nightgown, not even shoes on your feet, you start to hate it.

"Zane, we need to stop." Laurance said. Zane turned, and was about to argue, but Laurance kept talking. "Cadenza is about to drop dead, if she doesn't freeze before hand. If you want to keep this pace, then either let me carry her, or get her some proper clothes." Zane rolled his eyes, waving his hand.

"Fine. Carry her. But we still have a ways to go, so don't get too tired." Then he started walking again, brushing past me. Laurance rushed to my side, giving me a worried glance. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders before slipping his arms under me and lifting me close to his chest. After a few seconds, I suddenly felt warmth deep through my entire being. I started shivering even more, burying my head against his chest. He hugged me tightly, before he started to walk.

"I'm sorry Cadenza. I'm so, so sorry." I didn't reply, the cold making it too hard.

"Here." I opened my eyes to see Emma reaching over and giving me something. They were a pair of socks. I gave them back to her, shaking my head slightly, but she put them on my feet herself. I closed my eyes, feeling warmer than I had in awhile.

But of course, the warmth was short-lived.

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