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Song: Break A Little by Kirsten

    I looked down the hill and saw the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. Her tan skin glowed in the sunlight, and her long black hair cascaded down her back in long gentle curls. Her soft brown eyes met mine with a silent scream, and her full red lips parted in a gasp. I saw stress and worry etched all across her face, but it all disappeared in a second. The last thing I noticed was her rounded stomach, almost as if...

        "Aaron..." I then heard my name spoken by the voice of an angel, and my heart started to melt. I could hear so much pain, so much sorrow, so much love in her voice that I wished I had never left her in the first place.

        "Aph..." I started to make my way to her, and then she started running.

        "Aaron!" She ran up the hill towards me, and I down it towards her. She crashed into my arms, wrapping her own around me tighter than I thought possible. I buried my face in her hair, breathing her in. She started sobbing into my chest, and I stroked her hair, trying to soothe her.

        "It's alright Aph, it's alright. I'm here now, it's all okay. Calm down..." After a few minutes, she raised her tear-streaked face and stared at me, trying to take everything in.

        "Aaron... why?" The betrayal in her voice made me want to change history, to go back and make everything alright again. But I couldn't. I made the only choice that I could, and even if it hurt her, at least she was still alive.

        "You are a thousand times more important than I am. I couldn't let you kill yourself over a man that would miss you greatly." Her eyes hardened, staring directly into my soul.

        "To me, you are the most important man in the world. You don't think that your death would go unnoticed? You think that everyone wouldn't care? Lilith misses you, Nekoette and the other children miss you, Celeste misses you, I miss you!" With that, she grabbed my jacket and pulled me down into a kiss. I cupped her face, brushing away tears. The kiss was a way to make up for the months I had lost with her, reminding her of just how much I really loved her. She kissed me harder than I could remember.

    When she pulled away, her eyes were shinny once more. "I'm pregnant." I looked at her stomach, my suspicion proven true.

        "I'm sure the father is very happy." I looked up at her, tears slowly starting to form in my eyes. "I'm not surprised that you moved on after several years. Who is it with? Garroth? Laurance?" Confusion passed through Aphmau's eyes, followed by shock.

         "Aaron, the child's yours. And... it's only been six or seven months since you... since everything happened. What made you think so much time had passed?" Frowning, I took her hands in mine.

        "You. You look so much older, so stressed, so worried. You look like you've aged years since I last saw you." She looked at the ground, her eyes tearing up.

        "I'm sorry. I've been trying to... well..." The tears started to slip down her face once more, and I pulled her close, letting her cry into my chest.

        Before we could say more, I heard a faint sound of bells. The entire world around us started to fade into white. Aphmau looked up once more, kissing me firmly.

        "Don't ever doubt my love for you." Her form started to slip out of my grasp, and I held on for as long as I could. 

        "I love you Aphmau." Then she was gone, and I was fading back into white.

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