Chapter Thirteen

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Yoongi's POV

My mouth hung open as I listened to the song made by the boy with orange hair. His song is so good. I start to feel bad for calling him garbage. Not bad enough to apologize though. The beat of the song started off slow in a minor beat and got louder as it hit the chorus. I was almost able to feel emotion behind the song. As the song comes to an end, I look up at the orange haired boy. He stares in awe at my computer, not breaking focus for a second. Once the song finishes he looks up, meeting my gaze. His face turns slightly pink.

"Yoongi. Yours... is really good." I wave my hand before he continues.

"Save it. Let's just get to work." He slouches in his chair slightly pouting before agreeing to start on the project. A sudden wave of affection came over me as I saw the small boy pout in his chair. But, I immediately shook away the feeling.

Time passes and we agree to try to merge our styles to a more upbeat rap and singing song. I flip through my notebook full of completed songs and works in progress, to a song I titled "Tony Montana." I showed it to Jimin. After a minute of reading he looks towards me and nods his head rapidly. As the club period ended, we agreed to finish the rest after school.

A/N: I love seeing all the hilarious comments. I really hope you are enjoying the story so far. There are many more chapters to come. I have written more than 50 chapters for this story ;) All of them are around a similar length though.

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