Chapter Forty-One: "Five weeks."

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Last time jump: Two weeks
We have all spent the last two weeks adjusting to our new home and transferring things from our old apartments to our shared one. Alex and I both decided to keep our old apartments. There was no reason for me to bring everything I had from my old apartment and I really had no space for it here. We had all the furniture we needed, my clothes were all here, and that was just about all.

Alexander had all of his stuff that he said he wanted. The only thing that his old apartment had was furniture and dishes. When Anthony stocked our new apartment with food, he also went out a got all new dishes. He stocked the bathroom with all different types of toiletries. Whoever saw him buyin as much toothpaste and toilet paper as he did would have probably thought he had a issue.

In more ways than one.

Maya had all of her stuff in her new room and barely came out. She absolutely loved it. Alex went out and bought her some bins to keep it more organized and that was all she would do, reorganize the bins and whatnot.

In the two weeks since we have officially lived together in our own home, I have learned a few new things.

While I could only speak two languages, English and partially Spanish, the Parkers could both speak more then two. They were both basically fluent in the languages as well.

Besides from english, Maya could speak Spanish, French, American Sign Language, Italian, and Latin. Alexander said that the ASL is from when she was a baby, he and his mother both taught her some minor things. They always taught the infants simple sign language. Then, she had a ear infection that went unnoticed, which caused her eardrkms to close or something like that... I can't remember the story. Long story short, though, she went deaf for a extended period of time so Alexander decided to just teach her the rest of ASL. She picked up on spanish and Italian by herself. She was always around Chance and Alex, who needed to speak the language to get some potential clients. He said French was because his grandparents would only speak French whenever they came to visit. Maya has no choice but to learn. Latin was because she just wanted to know.

I can't even imagine being only three years old and being as talented as Maya is.

Since then, Maya has been attempting to teach me ASL and finish up on some Spanish. She said she used a app to learn Latin and maybe I could learn Spanish like that. So she downloaded the app on my phone and reminded me everyday to do it. So now, we have a special time dedicated to after she comes home from daycare for learning a new language. She works on the app as well, freshening up on the languages she already knows.

Alexander has basically made me homebound. I was in the final month of my pregnancy which, in his mind, made me invalid.

Anthony dropped Maya off and picked her up from daycare now. He would come around at 9, have breakfast with us, sometimes he comes back and hangs out with me, and then he picks Maya up and then always stays until dinner. Andrew has come over a couple of times, he was here now.

He was quite fun company and I could finally tell the difference between the triplets.

Alexander: he was obviously my boyfriend and pretend fiancée. He had a nose ring on the left nostril. He doesn't wear it often but it's there. His hair is always falling over his face, in a man bun, or combed through. If he wasn't wearing a suit, it was sweatpants and a hoodie. I don't think I can ever recall him wearing jeans. He had a nice laugh and always knew when to be serious but also knew when to laugh. He loved bickering with people because he knows it gets on their nerves.

Anthony: He has a nose piercing in the right nostril. He twisted it around a lot when he was talking, but would pull it in and out when he was nervous. His curly hair was usually tamed and kept at a certain length. You may find him with a bandanna tied around his head or a headband. He almost always wears a black nike jacket with PARKER plastered across the back of it. He was very flirtatious and joked around a lot. He was the most child like out of the three. He could easily switch from being the nice and funny guy to being the serious guy. All the brother were like that. They could easily become the mean and scary guy in the switch of a second. He did like to talk about the girl he had last night though. He said he's been seeing the same one for a couple a days now; which apparently is a new record for him.

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