Chapter 3 A Thorn in His Side

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Finally the interminable drill practice ends and we are to march to our dinner DPs. I want to pull Tom aside and ask her if she wants to sneak out again tonight to go and practice on the simulator. She did once before. But I've annoyed her since then. But I did take a 314 for her, and she had fun last time. at least it seemed like it. I know I did. but I cannot pull her aside. As flight leader, the MTIs have their eyes on me, especially after the singing stunt. Sadly, one single 314 doesn't me any closer to the brig, and MSgt Ebbel's timely demise.

I did teach the little uncoordinated dregs how to march, however. They are much better, King is actually in step half the time. and their spirits are up, which is important. And they get better by the minute. Even when I'm not singing to them, they still keep a jaunty step and their rhythm is ten times what it was this morning.

I am relieved, though, when we file in for dinner. And I am hungry, and through with devoting mental energy to calling cadence and facing movements when I could be doing other things with my mind, like thinking about flying. As soon as the last of my flight is inside the doors, my job is done, and I join the line for dinner. I happily devote ½ my brain to thinking about flying, ¼ to Tom, as is my current custom and has proved quite relaxing, 1/8 to what I am currently doing, and 1/8 to what I could be doing better. I'm not going to be in the brig tonight, so Ebbel cannot die. So I might as well rest and enjoy myself in my own head. which I do.


"Captain Thorne, I thought you were still down at basic," Stg. Wilde says, smiling at little at the sight of me.

"I was---I am," I say as we walk into the DFAC together, behind the last group of scurrying cadets. They are eating like wild things, and my own stomach turns at the familiar smell of processed food. "I'm still not cleared for flight yet so I'm teaching basic for a few more months. But I thought I'd come, visit you—all here---see how things are---you know---warn you about something," I finally spit out the last bit, looking away awkwardly. I feel stupid I never should have come here.

"What?" she asks, laughing a little.

"Ah---you've got one of my Spacemen---who tested up---in your flight, don't you---scrawny little underfed thing that uses big words, only drinks milk, blue eyes, name's Card?" I ask, my voice tripping. I really should not be doing this. I never should have come here this is stupid of me. just let it go. Let him go. I can't. I already know I can't my feet won't carry me away.

"Yes, he's my flight leader, in fact he's quite bright," she says, frowning at my nervousness. "one of our best, I'd say."
"Yes, yes, that's the thing, definitely, he's brilliant---but you must understand a dark cloud follows that boy. Things are going to start happening, here, strange and terrible things----he'll never be remotely responsible, never be involved, never be implicated, but you must believe me, it's him. a strange, evil walks with him," I say, desperately. There I've said it. it's over, I've warned her. I've done my bit for the fate of the universe. I relax a little at having finally said it.

"What?" she almost laughs. She thinks I'm joking. I'm not.

"Don't get me wrong, he's probably the best Spaceman we'll ever have. he'll probably save us all one day---he's cleverer by far than the rest of them put together, I don't deny that. We're lucky to have him, he's amazing his mind is a sharp and fast as one of our computers, yet he's more powerful than a machine he can improvise, create, adjust, he's astounding. But for such a gift, humanity must pay a terrible price, and that price is the soul of Titus Card," I say, taking her hand then thinking better of it. my own hand is shaking.

"James have you----"

"I only tell you because I care about you---I care about this Space Force---and I don't want anything to happen---please, just take care with him, how you handle him---please?" I beg.

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