Chapter 27---LEP Phase 3

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"Hello, Titus," he is way, way too happy. I push myself down into the ship but do not take off.

"Quinn? What have you done?" where is Tess? I consider pulling myself out of the ship but decide against it. If I go look at the monitors now that's exactly what he wants. How unbalanced is he or is it simply an act? I believe he is too unbalanced to be crafty but I am not willing to count on that.

"We've got something you might want," Quinn slurs. He's either still drunk or not talking clearly because he's insane. I believe it is the latter. But I still do not know enough to base anything off of that.

"Tell me what it is and you might get what you want," I say, keeping my voice level. He may very well have nothing all the evidence points towards him being completely insane.

"We want you," he says.

"What've you got?" I ask.

"We've got Soren, and we want you. Now how is that going to work out for us?" he muses. I flip the controls. I've heard enough. He has my son. I need to get to Kepler, as soon as possible. Until then, Tess is there she can go and I need her to help. I can do this but they would make it easier. He's got him in Milton. Milton is his stronghold, so that's where he's got Soren. I want to close my eyes, put my hands to my head. But it's time to fly. Fly and then think. I put two planes working on it. I know Milton well I was stationed there six months once I know the ins and outs. But fly now. I can get in when I get there. I need to start Tess on this and get her on my side it'll be easier if we work together and then maybe she'll join me she'll be bored with the normal people by now anyway. This could work out very well.


I wake up bleary eyed. I wonder where I am. I look around. I am locked in a big classroom sort of room. without any windows or people or toys. I walk over to the door. It is locked. This is curious. How I am to get out? surely I can. I close my eyes and raise my hands to my forehead, pressing them against my skull.

I seek out the part of my brain where I can feel something else and press with all my might.


<I'm trapped please come>

My head pounds so badly I can barely push it away to fly.

<who ever you are can't you hear me>

I cry out in anger. The ninth plane is threatening to flood my conscious. I don't know if its mania. If it's fear for Soren, I 've never been afraid in my life so I don't know what it feels like and maybe this is it. I didn't know what sadness was until they told me Tess was dead, that was strange. Maybe this is concern. Maybe this is fear.

<please come to save me>

I shake my head. I want to get it away. I need to focus but this is interfering with all the other planes and I don't know why and I HATE that.

<please I miss my mommy>

Tess. Tess. A gamble, she may not help. ah, do it anyway. She is rational. She will know this is the best option. She knows I can get him out.

<please come find me>


"Busy right now," Major Tom says. She and I are waiting outside to be interviewed. Well, I am waiting. She is watching me while the others argue in a room.

"What?" I ask, wondering why she is talking into thin air. 

Titus—she mouths, pointing at her ear.

"He just calls you? Still?" I ask. She nods and rolls her eyes. Then she pulls the ear piece out, covering it with her hand.

"He says he wants to talk to you do you want to talk to him?" she asks.

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