Chapter 24--Something Titus Car doesn't know

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"Soren?" I ask, coming into the room nervously. I realize I've never actually been in a school room since I was a student. There are lots of little children and colorful toys. But no little dark hair goggle wearing five year old. They called me at work to say he was missing in their own classroom, which I had formed a formal complaint about on my way over.

"Soren, are you playing silly games?" Tess asks. She is surprisingly nonchalant for somebody who bolted from her job on her first day and sprinted past me all the way here. I am still panting.

"Um, how did you lose him again?" I ask, trying to slow my breathing.

"He was just playing with the others in here and then he was gone," the nervous looking thirty something year old teeny bopper who is somehow qualified to lose children says.

"Good job hiding, Soren. Now come on out, its time to go home and have a snack, you like those sweets grandma got for you, didn't you?" Tess asks, very calmly flopping down and crawling on her elbows, peering under child sized play tables. I called her the minute the school called me and she had been panicked. I don't know how she can be so composed now. Or so certain he is in here, I don't see him or a place he could hide.

"Come on, silly boy, you win, you always win hide and go seek," Tess says, cheerfully. As she does, Soren pops out from under the nearest table, he climbs on her back and hugs her tightly.

"You couldn't find a kid under a table?" I ask, as the girl gasps in relief.

"We---we looked everywhere," she stumbles.

"Soren's brilliant at hiding places, aren't you pet?" Tess asks, standing up and cuddling him. he kisses his mother's cheek and she tickles him kissing his tummy until he giggles.

"How could he---we looked all over," the teacher says.

"Well, I think we should all three go home," I said, and Tess looks at me with relief, "Soren clearly isn't learning anything if he's clever enough to go missing for over an hour."

"But---," the teacher began, but Tess and I just leave. Soren smiles and seems quite content.

"Sorry, he does that around, people," Tess says, apologetically, once we get outside.

"I can't believe they could lose a five year old---oh don't it isn't your fault, he's a little boy, that's what little boys do, get into trouble, they ought to be able to handle him," I say.

"Yes," Tess says, letting Soren down to walk holding her hand. He skips happily enough by her side.

"Well, all the more reason to get him out of there, I asked at work, they don't mind if I take a night shift, then I could mind him during the day while you're at work and we can keep him at home. I'll apply tomorrow through someplace called the alternative education office," I say.

"I'll help," Tess offers, immediately, she seems relieved that I am going through with it.

"It's just forms, I can do it at work," I say, shrugging, "Didn't look that hard when I looked it up today."

"Good, thank you," Tess says, squeezing Soren's hand tightly.


"How was your first day at school?" I ask Clarisse. She is looking stupid in a uniform matching mine. I don't know who's idea it was that we all look like idiots.


It was such a good idea to make all public servant outfits idiotic. I scare myself sometimes. My ideas work out so well. I do these things and don't even think of how funny they will be for me later but here they are. Those who sought to oppose me now not only are defeated, but they look démodé while they're at it. I make such good decisions and I don't even realize it. it works so beautifully. I would hate not being me.

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