Chapter 16--If you're Keplarian and loyal you might enjoy juice

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"Well well, what have we here, do you need a little of the juice, my boy?" the creepy dude who got a job here I don't know how examines Leavitt through thick spectacles.

"No sir, I just want a drink of water," Leavitt says, leaning away, "My throat hurts."

"Never mind water---let's give you some juice m' boy," the doctor says, going to pick up an intimidating syringe.

"Please sir, I don't need it, I only want to have a drink of water," Leavitt says.

"No, put that down, we need you to examine him, actually, he was very upset this morning and he needs to talk about his feelings and get something for his throat," I say, stepping in front of Leavitt protectively.

"Are you impeding the flow of the all mighty juice, m' boy," the doctor asks, stopping in his tracks and narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yes, yes I am. and what are you going to do about it?" I ask, two seconds before he shoves the needle in my arm. "Damn," I say, as I pull it out. then my legs buckle under me and I don't exist anymore.

"Sir, it's all right," Leavitt is holding me up under the arms, trying to lift me to a table to stop my head from hitting the floor he doesn't know I don't have feeling anymore.


"You are really, frighteningly, good at this," Tsegi says, as she watches me clean the vomit covered floor with love and care.

"I spent a lot of time in detention as a child," I say.

"Oh, really, I couldn't have guessed," Tom says.

"We were poor; I tended to quomodocunquize," I admit.

"And that makes perfect sense," Tsegi says. I expect she is mocking me because she does not understand my eclectic speech but I am not sure.

"Are you really going to get Leavitt out of IDMT? Again?" Tom asks.

"I believe so, if I can slip away," I admit. I don't want to lie to her obviously, she's only just kissed me.

"You know what, I'll come," Tsegi says, "It's no fair you get to have all the fun."

"I'll come as well, in fact, Titus, why don't you stay behind and guide the flight? For a change?" Tom suggests.

"Well—" damn it I really was hoping to kill Ebbel tonight.

"Let us," Tsegi says.

"Yes, let us girls get into trouble for a change," Tom says.

"If you like, I shall make unreasonable excuses for you," I offer.

"Ebbel will love those," Tom says.

"I know," I say, with a grin.


The floor spins out from under me. When I raise my head, I see stars then dots. My stomach churns. If there were anything left in there to vomit, I certainly would.

"Cannibal? Seriously? I die and you turn me into a cannibal in front of your boss?" Ian is standing in front of me. of course he is. I sigh as I sit up, the world isn't spinning now but that's a worse sign I know. It means I'm deeper in the delusion.

"I needed a reasonable excuse," I say, defensively.

"And that for one instant, sounded reasonable?" he asks, exasperated.

"Well, no, but it was better than the truth," I say, shrugging a little.

"I die and this is how you treat me---"

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