Chapter 7--Oh It's Great To Stay Up Late

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Day dawns dark and early here at OCS. We are greeted with the usual screaming and shouting from MTIs whom I saw far too recently. They do not look so effervescent, though, their eyes are bloodshot and their uniforms aren't all that crisp. Unlike mine. I woke up early to iron mine, since it was wrinkled from spending a few hours lying in the brig.


Did that little twerp Card seriously iron his uniform? If so can I prove it? probably not. a shame, I'm sure he broke the rules and got up too early. At least his fever is better, that should soothe Wilde's maternal instincts towards the little cur.


Titus looks remarkably well rested and his fever is down with the pain relievers in his system. He looks very cheerful, I wonder what he's got planned? He can't possibly be this enthusiastic just to go and run three miles, no matter how much he likes running.


At least Card is looking better, he did seem loath to go IDMT. He's not sweaty and his color's a bit better.

"Card, do you still need to go to IDMT?" I ask, stopping in front of him.

"No, ma'am, I am quite well this morning," he says, adamantly.

"Will you be able to participate in the run?" I ask.

"Yes, ma'am," he says.

"Very good, carry on," I say, walking on.

"Good morning, ma'am," he says, politely, before returning to lacing his boots.


I'm actually looking forward to PT. at least we get to be outside in the fresh air with our thoughts. I've always loved the mountains, even growing up in the City, any chance we got, our mum would take me and my sister out there, let us run around, play hide and go seek in the trees. At least now I can remember those times. Happy times, at peace in the quiet woods. And running feels good, stretching getting out and moving in the cool morning air is relaxing after literally all day in classrooms or marching in circles on dill pads.


Ebbel is shouting orders as to how to put our oxygen tanks on. The air on Kepler has less oxygen than that on Earth, apparently I've never experienced it myself, however from meteorological reports I've read, I know its thinner. So when we have a lot of physical exertion, we have to carrying oxygen tanks with us and breath from those. Even with the orders being shouted, and having done this for about two weeks, Logan still can't get his on without my help.


I don't mind running, Titus loves it, though, and after last night I'm sure he's anxious to get going. I miss some of the tracks around the Academy. I used to wander out there every chance I got, especially when I was small, and we were on vacation and were just supposed to study or read in the library or something. I would go outside, look around, pretend I was playing with my brothers and sisters. And they were hiding and I couldn't find them. of course I never found them. God, that's depressing. Oh well, I have friends to run with now. and the MTIs are all old and can barely keep up, so we can talk a bit and not get into trouble.


Titus looks better with the pain killers the other girls lent him. He probably shouldn't be running, though, but I doubt if he'll leave his flight. He seems curiously devoted to being flight leader. I mean, I enjoy it, but it's actually a bit more trouble than it's worth, making sure everybody's in line and all. I'd much rather just keep my head low and get on through this. There's that Harris who Titus thinks wrote him up. He does look like an idiot. He's doing less shouting than the rest, walking around and staring at us. come on. we all know how to put SBUs on and oxygen masks on by now it's not like we were born yesterday. Oh, okay, Titus' bunk mate actually doesn't know how. well the rest of us do.

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