Chapter 14--Get used to the man

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"Well, how'd it go last night?" I ask, into my earpiece, as I walk towards the hospital. It's early in the morning, and the shops are just waking up, my favorite time of day, the whole city still hung over and half asleep.

"Interesting, D smokes which is something new. It must be something he only does at home, goes to bed at two am, likes cooking given how much time he spent in his kitchen, drinks wine looked like red but that's just a guess, and he didn't get home till four hours after his shift ended, and he wasn't wearing in his scrubs when he got home so he goes somewhere and changes," Jo says.

"Huh, good to know, I was actually asking how getting into the flat went," I say. Although I'm glad of the information, I was more concerned for her well being.

"Oh, that, that went terribly," she says.

"Why who owned the flat?" I ask, worriedly.

"This ex-Space forces dude, I spent six hours of my life trying to seduce him then as soon as I give up the asshole seduces me," she says, angrily.

"Huh, what'd he say when you left?" I ask.

"See you tonight."

"He thinks---"

"Oh, he knows, I'm had, he knows about Vindicta," she says.


"Not only did he see me peering out the window, but he lent me night vision goggles," she says.

"What kind of person is this?"

"A weird one, he wants to help, says I can come back for spying purposes or otherwise if I like and he'd like me to though he understands if he never sees me again," she says.

"I didn't think there were that sort of good men," I say, dryly.

"He may not be, but I plan on finding out, I am going back tonight, we could use the reconnaissance, and you could use the back up," she says.

"What if he's some sort of creep who's after you?" I ask.

"He's not, I can tell he's not," she says, "It's just---I don't know, he's not though. I've seen enough creeps to know he isn't one."

"All right, I trust your judgment—speaking of creeps, I think I see mine coming in, wish me luck," I say.

"Break a leg, sis," she says, then hangs up. I meant to tell her how Lizzie was, but oh well, she'll find out for herself when she gets home. Not that there's anything to find out, the little girl was fine. Didn't want to talk much or do much, but as fine as she always is. I sigh, we need to get her out of the city and with somebody who understands mutants, but she refuses until we get this guy. Oh well.

"Shannon, good morning." Shit shit shit shit why do ostensibly decent guys only come on to me when I'm actively trying to pick up creeps to murder them?

"Good morning, Dr. Darc," I say. I'm new to the hospital, and of course the handsome lead surgeon has to be smiling at me shyly.

"Please, call me Jacob," he says, smiling his toothpaste-commercial smile.

"Jacob yes, hi," I say smiling my please just think I'm a lesbian/married/not interested and let me go pick up the creep.

"Hi, I was wondering if you weren't doing anything----which I'm sure you are---not that I think you go out every night like that I don't think your like that not that it would be wrong if you were like that that'd be fine but---if you weren't doing anything---you know, anything normal like laundry or shopping or taking care of your kids if you have kids---or if you don't which is perfectly fine, either is perfectly fine-----so if you weren't doing anything at all which it totally respect and understand if you are----would you like to go out for a drink----or something if you don't drink then food but go out for a drink is what you say so---would you like to with me? Only don't say you're doing something if you're not doing something but just don't want to—I don't mind if you don't want to that's fine but I'd rather know so don't say you're doing something if you're not or you just don't want to---not that you can't say you're doing something if you are that's fine I'm not asking you to lie to me---but I'd sooner know if you really didn't want to so I'm not wondering and asking and going through this whole thing again---so if you aren't doing anything or if you are and you'd rather not then just let me know but if you're not doing anything or what you're doing is more boring than being with me which I really can't imagine but I suppose there must be something then---would you like to have a drink with me or---food and a drink, or just food---or something? Tonight? With me?" he asks. I actually wait for him to stop, trying not to smile.

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