Chapter 19--We are family

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"Hello Soren," I say, when they let me in the room to meet my grandson. They didn't tell me anything except that the paper work was complete and I got to bring him home tonight, and Tess would be done with the hospital tomorrow and she could come home as well. Not knowing I had a grandson until barely more than a week ago, I realize I feel quite odd with all this. But I want to do it. I've wanted my daughter for so long. Now I have her to keep safe.

The little boy looks up at me through mirrored goggles. He is dressed in a little blue sweater and khakis, and black shoes. Around his neck he wears a diamond shaped colorful pendant. He studies me then looks back down at a jigsaw puzzle on the floor.

More noticeably, a man is sitting behind him in a wheel chair. He is older than me by a few years I think, or life has been cruel to him. He has no legs, and looks un-kept, his hair a bit long and a shadow of a white beard. He wears yellow tinted glasses. Ex-military then, eyes exposed to toxic particles, usually when their space ships explode with them in them.

"Hello, ma'am," he says, extending a hand, I bend down to shake it. A couple of officials in scrubs stand behind us looking like they wished we would all leave. I ignore them. "My name is Quentin. You're Tess' mother?"

"Yes, yes I am," I say, nodding, "I'm her birth mother---we've never met."

"Right. Tess and Soren here were staying with me when this all happened. I was not aware she was in any danger, she just worked at my shop. I came by to make sure they were all right here and so that the baby had a friendly face while his mom's in the hospital," he explains, then he looks down at Soren, "Soren, this is your grandmother, you're going to go with her now, okay? And your mom'll be with you soon."

The boy stands up, and nods, then he hugs the man before turning to face me. He's tall for his age, with stiff dark hair that doesn't look like it's been brushed. He looks me up and down but says nothing. I jump, a little lizard pops out of the sleeve of his sweater and runs up to curl around his neck.

"That's his pet. Soren doesn't talk yet. Tess reckons he's taking things slowly, cause she's teaching him letters and numbers and he copies those fine," Quentin says.

"I see, they didn't tell me any of that," I say, gratefully.

"That sounds like government to me. I'm sure Tess will fill you in, you going to be okay?" he asks Soren. Soren nods at him. "Okay, I'll be going then." The officials at the door seem more than happy to part so that he can wheel himself out.

"Thank you," I call after him.

"Don't mention it. you be good, Soren," he says, "You hear? Be good like your mum would want."

The boy nods.

"Well, come on, you get to go home with me, and we can set up a room for you and your mother, won't that be fun?" I ask. The little boy looks at me but does not nod.

"Do you want your mom and you to come and stay with me for a little while? I've got a nice flat?" I ask.

"Ma'am, the boy does not respond nor is he aware of his surroundings, please just take him," one of the guards at the door says.

"I think you know lots more than you let on," I say, holding out my hand for the boy to take. He does not, but steps to stand at my side. together, we walk out.


"Are you sure about this?" Major Tom asks me as we walk into the interview room.

"Anything to help him," I say, sitting down at the table. they turn on the lights in the other room. Quinn is seated in a chair, in starchy white hospital robes, his hair cut short, his eyes a bit wild. They have leads taped to his forehead and head and running into a machine. There is another monitor on his wrist.

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