Chapter 21--All in the family

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(how is it that despite barely knowing a language you manage to find a bar?)

"Talent, Liz," I say, swinging an arm around her shoulders. Hitch-hiking went splendidly, and between Thorn and myself, it turned out we knew enough Russian to get us to the local pub.

"Well let's have a few drinks, watch the news, have a few drinks, see if anybody reported finding lost Spacemen in the jungle," Thorn says.

"Sounds like a plan," I say.

"All your plans involve drinking," Lizzie observes.

"That's what makes 'em good," I inform her.

"Yes, it's a sign of good planning---here the Russians usually have good sweets you might like," Thorn says.

"Oh yeah, they always had decent food----you're trying Russian vodka though that way you know what a bad idea it is," I tell her.

"You've made me try Russian vodka," she responds.

"Huh, I don't remember," I say.

"That's because you were drinking Russian vodka," she informs me.

"That would make sense," I say, sitting down at the bar.

"This is such a good plan----I don't see anything on the news," Thorn says, frowning at the screens, "You'd think it would be a big deal what with the crash."

"They're probably still wandering around talking to each other," I guarantee.

"For this long---okay yeah, stupid question."


"We are not going inside, there are other roads," Titus says, hands around my arm forcibly dragging me backward.

"We are, it is right here, and they opened the gate," I say, with a sigh, "Quinn talk some sense into your father."

"It's the most logical thing to do, go in, see if it is occupied, we are all armed," Quinn says actually helpfully, "it would take us a whole day to go back to the main road and then we'd have to wait for vehicles."

"Fine," Titus sighs, dropping my arm, "But they aren't coming."


"We don't want to."

"They'll stay here---Everett, you stay with them," Quinn instructs.

"Fine, but I'm against it and I'm staying with you," Titus says, to me.

"I thought you were hiding behind me because he doesn't kill women," I say, even though I know better than to converse with him.

"As far as I know he might have changed," Titus says, haughtily.

"He hasn't."

"Oh he hasn't."


I run all the way out of the building and down the street, I can hear the sound of footsteps behind me but I keep running, I don't care they'll never catch me, not ever, I'm faster than all of them, and this time, I'm going to get away. Tey said my mommy and Trenton were at a hospital, so that's where I'm going.


"Why would all the lights be off?" Tom asks, as she and I and Quinn step into the compound.


"Let's turn all the lights off, give them a good scare," I say, flipping the appropriate switches.


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