Chapter 25-The Little Evil Plan: Phase 2

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"What made you pick this club?" Shepherd asked, stopping outside the door.

"I don't know, it's here, I think I've been here before," I say, looking in the windows, of the Nightwind Club and Bar, "Why?"

"Why would you think of going here?" he asks, weirdly.

"Because it's here, I don't really put too much thought into going places for drinks mostly because I don't usually go places--- why do you not like it or something?" I ask, wondering why he is so agitated all of a sudden.

"Why would you think I would like it?" he asks.

"I offered you a drink and it serves alcohol that is seriously where my thought process ended------no wait----yeah I know why I've thought of it, my brother in law took me here once, I thought it was nice enough," I say, remembering finally. It was last time I was planet-side.

"Did you?" he asks.

"What is the matter with you? It's a just a bar," I say, tiredly.

He frowns, "You don't know?"

"Know what?" I ask.

"It's a gay bar," he says, finally, almost whispering as though the gay people would be offended.

"Is it?" I ask.

"Ah, good, you didn't know," he sighs with relief.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Nothing," he says, then he adds, "Your brother in law took you here, why?"

"I don't know that is odd I wonder if he knew---I wonder if that has anything to do with him leaving my sister," I say.

"You think?" he asks.

"Well, people do just go to gay bars, I did when I was at the Academy because all my friends were gay," I say, shrugging, "Then I just went there 'cause I knew people. Huh, come to think of it, I don't know that many straight bars. Why do they have different bars? It's confusing and it certainly seems to cause problems."

"If you don't know I'm not---what the hell," he is staring down at his wrist.

"What is it?" I ask. I look around, other people are looking at their wrist tablets.

"Look at your pad," he says. 

"I've not got one I'm a poor child now that I'm court martialed what is it?" I ask, leaning over his shoulder to read.

As soon as is convenient, send me Tess Card, Soren Raines, and Alexander North, and Clarisse Slaughter. Otherwise, I will take over your planet. Hint 1 of 2, convenient should be within the next forty eight hours. Hint 2 of 2 do as I say

Your dedicated enemy and future murderer,

Titus Card

"Well that's odd," I say.

"Odd? He's a damn psychopath," he says, "Look," he points up at the news screen on the building above us. it is flashing the same message. "Just like the first time."

"Hello," Tess says, coming out of the bar.

"Just the girl I was looking for," Shepherd hisses, upon seeing Major Tom walk out after Tess.

"I'm having you written up for harassment," Major Tom growls.

"Hello Tess, Major Tom," I say.

"What the---oh so that's what he was up to," Major Tom says, looking up at the billboards overhead.

"Why am I included?" I ask.

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