Chapter 33--#RelationshipGoals

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"I need to talk to you about something," I say, walking up behind Shannon with the knife in my hand. She's got her back to me, at the sink, washing the breakfast dishes.

"What is it?" she asks, not turning as I rub her shoulder.

"Nothing serious," I say, my other hand, knife clutched in it, going to her throat.

She has my wrist quicker than I thought possible, suspending the knife centimeters from her flesh. I am stronger, which she knows very well, because she kicks me in the groin and shoves us backward against the refrigerator with all her might, effectively breaking my hold as she ducks and twists away, turning to face me.

I shove the rolling island cart into her and she grabs it pushing it back, I'm trying to get time to recover which she knows and won't let me. she picks up a knife from the counter and charges wonderful demon, and of course fails, I manage to cut her leg but not badly and she in the struggle succeeds in slicing my other arm nicely.

We stagger apart again, panting, slipping on the floor slick with our own blood.

"I wanted it to be quiet," I say.

"Why?" she asks, stepping forward, "Don't enjoy the carnage? Thrill of the chase?"

"Not as much as you," I say, grinning, as she charges me again, this time attempting to stab for my neck, other arm hung nicely in front of her lovely woman she's been in a knife fight or two in her time.

As she charges I open the refrigerator door and trap her hand in it, going to stab her with my knife. I go for the kidney but she sees me, quickly abandoning her knife and taking hold of my arm, effectively guiding it back and into me. it hits my stomach, but does not go deep enough I manage to pull back in time before real damage is done, wildly pushing it towards her, getting her arm again but nothing else.

She tries to duck away from me, go get another weapon, but I'm not about to let that happen and we both go to the floor, thrashing on the red tile, smearing the perfect blood.

"Why try to kill me?" she asks, "Why now after all this time?"

"What do you mean—stop that," I growl, as she kicks me in the groin again as we struggle on the floor for the knife.

"I wasn't going to call the police. I know what you do, Jacob," she says.

"I really don't think so," I mutter.

"Yes. You think you're so bloody clever," she says, hitting my arm enough to send the knife flying across the room. we both crawl towards it and try to stop the other from doing so.

"Well, what weren't you going to call the police about?" I ask.

"You kill and eat people right?"


"Okay, yeah, I've known that," she says.

"What is wrong with you?!" I ask, trying to drag her backward away from the knife. It sort of works but as a result I move backward too.

"What is wrong with me?! You're the cannibal," she growls.

"Yes, I know, therefore we both know what's wrong with me, what is wrong with you that you weren't going to call the police?" I ask, inching towards the knife.

"Nobody's perfect," she says.

"That's it that's your excuse? I think I'll date a cannibal after all nobody's perfect???" I ask, "And how do you know how to handle yourself in a knife fight?"

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