Chapter 13--Children won't listen

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Well the good news is, we're still stranded in the woods. The bad news is, we're not alone.

"No, that's bad, you don't get to touch it," I say, slapping Titus's hand as he tries to touch MY ship.

"But that's not fair Leavitt I want to touch it," he pouts, looking very, very upset.

"Well you don't get everything you want in life---bye---isn't there somebody watching you?" I ask, as Lizzie frowns at us.

(who's he)

(my last Spymaster)


"But I have a ship and I'd let you touch it if you wanted, and that isn't very fair after you didn't invite me to commit a felony with you and I rather wanted to and I did ask nicely and help you AND now you won't let me touch your ship and I just want to look at its parts," he says, very annoyed. He looks exactly the same as before. Acid burns on his face, hair shaved short. His flight suit is unzipped and tied around his waist to reveal a black t-shirt with white numbers. Always a Spaceman. Yet weird. The numbers are supposed to be his ID numbers on the shirt on the off chance he dies or something but our ID numbers are 9 digits and he has 666 on his shirt.

"I don't want to see your ship I don't like-------bad," I slap his hand again as he tries to touch it. he rubs his hand then puts the heels of his hands to his head like he does when he's trying to process being human.

"Titus I told you to slow down----Quentin?" Nicole Tom is as sane as ever, following Titus down to the ravine where our ship crashed. She, like him, is wearing a go bag, and both are stripped down to shirts and flight suit pants, and their oxygen tanks are of course on their backs.

"Tom he won't let me touch the ship and it's the Z-297 I've always wanted to fly," he complains, like a petulant child complaining to its mum for a sweet.

"Well you don't get to," I say, flatly.

"Oh wow, that's an amazing ship, if illegal, can I look?" a polite stupid little Spaceman says, sliding down the slope.

"Sure," I say generously.

"Yeah you don't get to if he says you can't---Quentin what are you doing here?" Tom asks, hugging me.

"Same thing as you I'm assume, got shot down by the space-octopus," I say, squeezing her. she's muscled and strong as ever.

"Octopi," Titus corrects.

"Thank you walking dictionary," I say, "I haven't missed having words defined."

"Then why did you thank me---oh you're letting Quinn touch it," He says, annoyed.

"Yeah funny that---anyway, Tom this is my daughter, Lizzie, Lizo—this is Major Tom who I used to fly with, she and I went to OTS together," I say, motioning for Lizzie to come forward. "Guess you're probably not a Major anymore."

"Hi," Lizzie says, waving politely.

"Hello," Major Tom says, smiling at her, "Nice to meet you. Quentin I'm so glad you're all right---after—"

"After I killed like 30 people and got arrested? Yeah me too," I laugh, dryly. Remember I start drinking about an hour after I wake up. "I'll tell you all about that it's---about as bad as it sounds."

She squeezes my arm, not in the least bit afraid of me or the axe I have on my back. I always liked her.

"That's a beautiful ship, thank you for letting me see it. nice contraband as well, in the interest of not dying in the woods can Space Forces commander what I'm sure we were weapons stolen from us? I'm Starr," the kid says. he looks a bit like Titus, except his kid was a girl as far as I remember and this kid looks like a guy. about the right ageish though. 

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