Chapter 36--A little runaway

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"We have to-----like---get him out of there or---do something---"

"Didn't you feed him!?"

"Yes we fed him---he didn't want----that---"

"I appreciate the concern officers , new living quarters would be appreciated.Private this time. I've no need for sustenance for several more hours yet."

"Oh shit."

"Yeah we need to---like----call---somebody---"

"I'm sure a mental health unit would be very interested in letting me reside with them, why don't you transfer me there?" I ask, leaning against the bars, lazily, eating the last of some meat from bone. One does have to be in a particular mood for getting all the meat off of fingers.

"Oh god---okay---um---that's what he wants us to do though---"

"Yeah but we can't just LEAVE him in there----"

"Who put him in there with somebody---"

"We didn't know he was this crazy!"

"All this and more, my good men!"


I'm sitting in a police interrogation room, which was to be expected. They took my axe away. that was also to be expected. I should be upset or worried right now, but I'm not. it's weird. It's like my brain doesn't believe everything that's happened. Like Jo and the baby are at home, waiting for me. or that they'd never existed at all and I was just meant to be here.

"Are you aware why you're here?" the police examiner isn't by definition a bad person. of course he's an enemy operative. But he is not being overly forceful or violent, even though I have been.

"I resisted your forces," I say, simply.

"In what way?---are you all right?" that last part was to Thorn, who is standing in a corner of the room, having the bends and being drunk. It's funny, whenever he shows up to be there for me, he's always drunk. I don't really mind, though. I think he thinks I do.

"Absolutely fine, go on," Thorn says, wincing a little as he clutches his arms painfully. Muscle cramps are the most annoying, but least deadly, side effect of the bends. I wonder why he bothered to come.

"In what way did you resist?" the examiner asks again.

"I attacked one of your strong holds, resulting in casualties of over thirty un armed and armed agents," I say.

"And why did you do this?"

"Those were my orders."

"From whom?"

"My superior."

"Who is your superior?"

"She's dead now, in a battle with your forces."

"Okay," the examiner says, "You complied with the arresting officer, why is that?"

"I no longer had orders to resist," I say, "I was also too deep in enemy territory."

"So you are aware your actions are illegal?" he asks.

"Yes," I say.

"And you have been informed that you will be held here till your trial?"

"Yes. I'll plead guilty or whatever you need me to do. I'm not saying I didn't do it." 

"You're going to be put in prison for life," Thorn interjects, hopelessly.

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