Chapter 27--Not awkward at all

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"Hello, my name is Quentin---I'm living with your daughter---" that woman really should have told me her name, damn it---"we've met, once before—um----your oldest daughter. Usually has blue hair---okay thank you for opening the door."

"Hello," a man and woman, a good bit older than my mum, stand in the door and stare at me. "You mean Charlene?"

"Charlene, Charlene, right---did you know that?" I say the last part a bit quietly to Lizzie, who shakes her head no.

(no) Lizzie tells me. We decided that I would take Lizzie with me because A) we already told her parents Lizzie was my daughter B) Lizzie likes riding on trains C) I truly didn't want Jo trying herself out chasing the mutant around all day when she needs to stay off her feet and rest D) I really suspected I would need the emotional support and I was so right.

"Right, good, yeah, Charlene, right, um, I was passing, on work thought Lizzie and I would stop in say hi---can I actually come in for a minute to talk to you?" I ask, adding the last part because Jo's father looks like he's about to close the door in my face.

"Is our daughter all right?" her mother asks, not moving to let me in but not closing the door either.

"Yes, she's fine, absolutely fine, I just wanted to talk to you, really quickly, could I step inside or all of us go somewhere more private?" I ask, really don't want to deliver the news of their grandchild out here in the hall but they are really forcing my hand here. I'm just glad I'm doing this and Jo is with my mother who will be helpful and supportive and all around act like a normal human being.

"Our youngest daughter is sleeping," her father says, "She works the night shift."

"Right, right, there was a really lovely café just downstairs that Lizo and I saw, you fancy some yogurt, Liz?" I ask her, she shakes her head yes helpfully.

"We don't go there," her father says flatly. 

"Okay,---- god you couldn't make this easier---let's go downstairs or you step out in the hall, then? Don't want to wake her, eh?" I say, smiling my polite Commander-Thorn-smile. It was the smile I used when I had to convince Commander Thorn I was fine and happy with being Titus' flight partner when I was not. I only did it because I felt bad because Titus was actively giving him a nervous breakdown and I felt like if I complained or did anything it might push him over the edge.

"Yes. we'll meet you in the lobby of the building. Ten minutes," her mother says, then she shuts the door.

Lizzie and I sigh and look at each other.

"Charlene?" I say.

"Yeah, that's what I was thinkin'," she says.

"I'm gonna bother her about it," I say, tapping my wrist pad as we walk slowly towards the lift.

Your family is so wonderful

God I'm sorry

It's ok love you

Did they mention my name

Charlene, seriously?

Ugh I hate that name

I know, love you my gorgeous thief

Love you too give lizzie a hug

Can do

"She says I need to squish you," I say, wrapping an arm around Lizzie's shoulders and squeezing her.

"No, she didn't," Lizzie laughs, pretending to wriggle away.

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