Chapter 31--Oh yeah this is finally happening...

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"Card, what are you doing? You're supposed to be in the brig," Ebbel says, turning quickly as he sees me approaching him. We are outside the brig. He's going back to his rooms now, from checking up on us. He'll never make it.

"I know. But I've come here to kill you, then I'll go straight back," I say, stopping a few feet away. give him good running distance make this fun.

"What?" he asks, staring at me.

"Just that, you shall be dead soon," I say, cocking my head a little as I look around. Not knives, I don't feel like wallowing in the blood tonight and I can already explain bruises from the fight with Leavitt. And Card School of Asphyxiation went oh so very well.

"What the hell are you talking about? How did you get out here?" he asks, approaching me.

I'm on him in a flash, and we are on the ground, struggling. His weight brings us down. and I'm letting him pummel me, as I feel systematically for the tubes to his oxygen tank. They are secured down so this sort of thing doesn't happen but I can undo that.

He shoves me into the cement and I roll away, off the path and into the grass. He reaches for my boot, but I bring it up to kick his face. He falls back, just remembering his radio to call for help.

"Looking for this?" I ask, standing panting, holding his earpiece.

"Just give me that, Card," he's looking in my eyes, he's seeing now, now he's finally realizing what I am.

"Sure," I say, charging him again. I have every intention of leaving it on his body. I curl it into my chest, though as we collide, again I let his weight carry us to the ground, which is far more painful for him at his size and age than it is for me.

"Card just calm down, we don't----they're going to catch you," he says, his strength is waning. He's out of shape, tired, old, I'm none of those things, I'm ready. I planned this, he didn't. He thought he was going to bed in a few minutes. Well, he'll sleep soon.

"I doubt that," I say, crawling out from under him, clawing his face, he cries out, his hands racking my SBUs, getting a hold and trying to pull me back down as I work my way around him.

"Why are you doing this?" he asks, managing to get a hold and battering my head into the ground.

"Entertainment," I say, breaking free of his grip by smashing his knuckles into the paved path.

"What?" he says, staring at me, aghast.

"Boredom," I say, darting around behind him last time now the oxygen tubes are free.

"Is that all people are to you?" he asks, stopping even going after me and staring into my eyes to see the emptiness there.

"It's all I was to you," I say, and then I run into him again. this time, I let my hands hook the tubes and twist around his neck. One. Last time.

He realizes what I am doing, of course, and tries to work his fingers underneath the oxygen tubing, instead of just going for my eyes with his thumbs, which is what I would have done. He has stronger hands than, I though, so perhaps his reasoning is sound in that he could break the tubs. As it is, it doesn't work, not in time anyway. He does do significant damage to the plastic, but it does more significant damage to his trachea. It is crushed and he dies rather quickly after that.

I take a deep breath, using a hand to further the damage crushing down as I regain my composure and prepare for the night ahead. Now that the fun's over, I get to dispose of the body.


I check my tablet for messages but of course there are none. My poor Liesel got herself in the brig. That was really rotten of Ebbel, they are just kids. Stupid kids who don't need to be kissing, maybe, but they are going to and it wasn't as though they were on duty.

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