Chapter one - Mothers Past

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Y/n pov

You wrote to harry and Draco over the summer and most of all they Weasley twins and Cedric, not getting many responses yet decided to head in for the night again.


You heard sounds distant whispering, you looked around but felt as if you were not in the real world. You were in old streets and you saw an abandoned house is the distance with a light in the window.

Being entranced by the light walked over to it when you did you hard a creak behind you as you entered and saw an old caretaker.

"Oh, hello." You said but there was no response and he walked right through you, you shuttered.

"What the hell?" You asked walking up the stairs looking into the room in which the light had come.

"Wormtail! Move me closer to the fire." You hard an high icy voice say.

Wormtail? That bastard's alive and well?

"Where is Nagini?" The voice asks.

"I don't know my lord. She s-set out to explore the house I believe." Wormtail stuttered, the door was only open a crack and you could see in, you couldn't move f=closer than the old man, but you saw a chair that Wormtail faced and another person shorter than Wormtail in a clean black cloak checking on the fire.

"I want you to milk her before we retire Wormtail, I will need feeding in the night." Wormtail was shaking slightly out of fear but the cloaked figure was still and sound. You were so focused on that figure you missed out on some of the conversation.

"Your lordship is still determined then?" Wormtail asked.

"Certainly, I am determined Wormtail." You had a feeling you knew who was in the chair but begged to be wrong.

"It could be one without Harry Potter my lord?" Your heart stuttered Harry.

"Without Harry Potter I see..." The voice said thoughtfully.

"I do not concern for the boy! I the boy is nothing to me, but if you use another witch or wizard it could be done so much sooner." Wormtail jumped to defend himself.

"I could use another voice that is true... but I need the girl." The voice said again.

"but she's like the boy so hard to get our hands on-" Wormtail cried.

"Not with the helping hands we have." The voice said making Wormtail look at the cloaked figure.

"But can they be trusted?" Wormtail muttered making the cloaked figure point their wand at Wormtail.

"I assure you my loyalty to our lord is truer than yours, traitor." The cloaked figure hissed harshly they had a high voice most likely female.

"- Put your wand down." You missed the name but knew you'd heard the voice before, or at least something.

"I will be sure you get her, my lord. This I swear." The figure bows in respect.

"Your loyalty is something I wished I could've had sooner." The voice said. "And Wormtail, I do believe she's up to the task, she's much more capable than you, old friend." That confirmed that the figure was a girl, but who, not Bellatrix? She's in Azkaban, right?

"My lord, there is someone else we could get for both, one even willing." Wormtail said.

"It cannot be so willingly taken Wormtail, I have chosen her! I have my reasons for using the boy, as I've told you." He paused clearly weak. "I need some courage from you Wormtail, less you wish to feel the full wrath of Lord Voldemort." The voice hissed.

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