Chapter thirty - Padfoot is Back

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Y/n pov

You woke up the next day surprisingly not many bad dreams recently. Today was Hogsmeade, you got to see Sirius you brought with you some new muggle clothes plain but simple, and you also packed a basic healing potion in case Sirius needed it.

Got an owl that morning with two letters and a tired owl. You read them and watched the golden bird.

I can't thank you enough, these moons have been harder somehow. I'm not too surprised a student like you can make this potion in fourth year. I'm very proud of you.
- Remus


You decided not to read the letter for Sirius but you did notice the words. 'So sorry-' 'I'm the monster.' And things along those lines, you knew his self loathing was deep and Sirius being his oldest friend must know this.

You stole some bread, meats and treats for Sirius. You brought your bag you kept on your side, like all full moons concealing both letters.

You went with the golden trio to Hogsmeade you all nervous and excited to see Sirius.

You followed waited for them outside a shop just keeping a eye out. You soon found Harry, Hermione and Ron come out smiling, you were growing nervous... you still tried to kill Sirius once maybe he'll hold a grudge...

You followed them down the winding path and saw a very familiar shaggy black dog.

"Hello Sirius." Harry said the happiest you've seen him in months.

You smiled at your old friend. You watched the dog sniff your bags and wave his tail excitedly. You all followed to the foot of a mountain and Sirius began to climb where the terrain was rough (I wanted to put ruff for fun) so you shifted into a wolf and took the terrain much better. You looked back and saw Hermione, Harry and Ron lagging behind and pulled the trio one by one over a big boulder.

"We should really just become animagi, so that becomes easier." Ron panted. You shifted back dusting your hands off.

"Not always. You Ron could turn into a worm." You said making Harry and Hermione snort. The red head blushed.

You kept going forward and soon go to the narrow entrance way of a small cave, once all inside Sirius had shifted back, he was very thin, his long black hair longer than before, he looked tired and yes, still in the same clothes from Azkaban.

"Chicken." He said hoarsely. Harry reached into his bag and grabbed a bundle of chicken legs and bread and gave them to him.

"Thanks. I've been living off of rats. I can't steal much from Hogsmeade, I'd draw attention to myself." Sirius admitted.

"What are you doing here Sirius?" Harry asked.

"Fulfilling my duty as god father." He replied.

"What if you get caught or if you're seen?" Harry pointed out.

"You four and Dumbledore are the only ones that know I'm an animagus." Sirius reminds.

"They're making it seem like he's dying." Ron said picking up the newspapers on the floor about crouch.

"If only." You muttered.

"hey! That's my brothers boss." Ron defended.

"Big deal Percy can get a new one." You grumbled.

"Why do you hate him so much?" Ron asks.

"Do you see the way he talks to me? Threatens me? 'One false move and you'll be back in Azkaban'" You quoted.

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