Chapter forty - "Moodys" Big Reveal

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Y/n pov

The door to Moodys office was locked Dumbledore managed to get it open and just in time as it looked as if Moody was about to strike.

You saw Moody stunned on the ground and ran to Harry hugging him closely. You didn't want physical contact with anyone really after all this but Harry was the exception.

"Did he hurt you?" You asked pulling back and looking at his face.

"No... He was going to though... if it wasn't for you all." Harry said. You took him over slightly behind Dumbledore just further away from Moody.

"Thank Merlin we found you." You sighed hugging him again. Harry could tell that you were unstable right now, he rubbed your back and you looked at Moody of how much anger you felt for him.

"Come along Potter... to the hospital wing... you too L/n." McGonagall said making your grip on Harry's arm tighten.

"No." Dumbledore said in a voice which made you understand why people listened to him.

"Look at them- they've been through enough tonight." She argued, you noticed your leg and just shifted your weight.

"They need to understand. If they never understand they'll never truly recover." Dumbledore said making you stare at Moody.

"But sir how can it be Moody?" You ask.

"This isn't the real Alastor Moody. The real Moody wouldn't removed Harry from my sight after what happened tonight." He said making you pull Harry closer, you weren't going to let anything happen to him.

Dumbledore ordered Snape and McGonagall away. You just held your fear and anger inside as Dumbledore opened up a series of chambers showing you the real Moody, unconscious but alive. Dumbledore took Moody's hip flask and opened it smelling it you were near enough to smell some yourself.

"Sir... isn't that Polyjuice potion?" You asked remembering the smell from second year.

"Yes, indeed. Brilliant. You see Moody doesn't drink but he does from his hip flask, quite known for it."

"So, every hour, on the hour, he'd drink from it... making him appear as Moody." You said piecing it together.

"Yes. Now we just wait for our imposter to stir." Dumbledore said.

Before you could recognize what was happening Moody's imposter began to change. His face began to become less scarred, his hair went a deep blonde, Moodys false eye popped off and his leg too. It was a bit horrifying in a manor, but before you knew it you were staring at Barty Crouch Jr. You felt your blood boil, he was here the whole time? He tortured Neville's parents, was supposedly dead and yet he was laying in front of you. You connected with Moody a few times; he was a good teacher... but it wasn't him at all.

"Crouch?" Snape said standing in the doorway. "Barty crouch?"  He asked. You took a dangerous step forward and felt a hand on your wrist. You looked back and saw Harry shaking his head.

"If he really did this, then I'll-" You started.

"Just wait." Harry muttered making you remember he's been through hell tonight too.

"Good heavens." McGonagall said making you understand how odd this would be for her to see.

Dumbledore used a spell making it so Barty was awake and seemingly unstunned, His face level with Dumbledores.

"Can you hear me?" Dumbledore asks the man. Snape gave Dumbledore the vial of clear liquid and he pored it into Barty's mouth.

"Yes." Barty answered.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year FourOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz