Chapter nine - Malfoys "friends"

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Y/n pov

You went through your day it was fairly easy, you finally got to go back to the common room. You knew you needed to talk to Draco.

you caught him with Pansy, Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle.

"Draco!" You say trotting over to him.

"What do you want L/n." You could feel the harshness in his voice, you looked down and bit your lip.

"I just wanted to talk." You said lightly, knowing he'd still have some hard feelings, you just needed to talk to him.

"He doesn't need you." Pansy says hugging his arm close to her making you lightly roll your eyes.

"Listen Parkinson I don't want trouble." You tell her simply.

"Sure, you don't Blood Traitor." Pansy said harshly making Draco clench his jaw.

"Shut it." You warn Pansy. "Draco, please talk to me." You asked kindly.

"Let's go." Draco says turning heel and leaving Blaise sticks behind.

"He's being hard now, just give it some time." He reassured you. Making you smile lightly.

"Blaise!" Draco called.

"Yeah, yeah." He said waving the pureblood off. You watched the wait and mutter things about the two of you.

"Thanks... you should get going." You tell him.

"See ya around." Blaise said before leaving.

"... See ya around..." You muttered feeling stupid. Why trust a Malfoy right?

"Blood Traitor? Hey! Hey, L/n!" You see one of Draco's friends and he looks down at you. Blonde scrawny a year below you.

"What do you want?" You practically growled.

"Want you to know that you better watch your back... if you don't then maybe you'll get yourself hurt." He said playing with his wand for emphasis.

"Threats?" You ask pointing your wand to his neck, you notice Draco and his gang must've turned to see this display.

"What ya gonna do Blood Traitor?" That pissed you off. you smirked and pulled him in close your mouth next to his ear.

"Don't call me that again." You warned.

"Why? You're nothing more than a filthy, mudblood loving blood traitor." You kicked his knees hard definitely breaking something. You then locked his legs together so I'd be a very painful trip to the medical ward.

You then huffed by the Malfoy gang going out into the forbidden forest knowing there's always something better out there.


Your arm gets pulled back from a tree you were punching and you whip around to face that person only to see Peter.

"Oh... Hey Pete." You said lowly.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"Nothing." You sighed.

"Nothing huh?"

"Yeah..." You chuckle.

"Well you know it's a full moon tonight, so I was out here a lot... I think you should see Findri." Peter said.

"He won't be lurking around right now." You tell him.

"Maybe I wouldn't be, but I was the one that got Peter actually." Findri said out of nowhere.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now