Chapter fourteen - The Mystery Boy

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Y/n pov

You went to sleep dreading the next day.

"My lord, what of the girl, is there no one else we can use? I'd give my blood." The cloaked girl offered holding out her arm.

"It must be her! I've seen her daring, her emotions for her friends are the only thing... but we'll just have to cut that out of her, like I've done so many times before." Voldemort said darkly. You shivered, were they talking about you? You hoped not.

"Yes, my lord."

"Where is Wormtail?" He asked.

"The traitor is milking Nagini." The girl said trying not to spit the word traitor out too harshly.

"Ah, watch yourself *********" you missed the name and cursed yourself. missing a part of the conversation in the process.

"She's very well in the tournament though?"

"Yes, from the shadows, I've seen her, I shall be getting in with them during the first task." The girl answered proudly.

"How?" he spat.

"I'll be helping the judges and making sure that the ones you seek get to you."

"I need the girl alive... both of them." Voldemort said making you confused but clearly the hooded girl too.


"You dare question me ?!" The meek voice shouts making it horrible to hear.

"No... no, my lord."

"You're almost as pathetic as Wormtail." Voldemort said. Making the girl under the mask cringe.

"Trust me I'll be nothing like that traitor..." The girl hissed holding her hand in a fist tightly.

"This 'traitor' has done more than you." Wormtail said leaning against the door frame.

"Yes, like leading our lord to his destruction and failing to kill the wizard Black!" The girl pointed out making you pissed. How dare, Wormtail is just pathetic, but at least he failed to kill Sirius.

"If it wasn't for me-"

"If it wasn't for you, we'd be in power." The girl remined him. There was a shot of green light in between the two who were bickering making them look at Voldemort, who you still haven't seen, only merely the chair in which he sat.

"Wormtail has been helpful, though you've impressed me." The dark lord said making the girl bend on knee and bow.

"My lord, I insist, let me kill the cowardly man, I can do his work. He could easily betray us again." The girl said pointing her wand over at Wormtail.

"I need you to take care of our inner eye, you'll be more helpful out there." He told her.

"Are you sure I can't just take them?" The girl asks.

"I still worry of your connection to the girl will stop you from going forward with this plan, so you will shadow this until I say. That is my last warning. Don't question me again." Voldemort warns which seems to shut her up.

"Yes, my lord... I'll check the parameter." The cloaked women said checking into Wormtail slightly as she passed him.

"Are you sure we can trust her?" Wormtail asked while making the fire larger.

"No." Voldemort said plainly.

"Then why?" Wormtail asks.

"In the event things don't go as planned, she's a good tool to bargain, her blood too can be used." You looked around and saw that the girl was listening from outside the room.

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