Chapter thirty four - Your Family Arrives

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Y/n pov

You had the newest copy Rita's article it made it seem like you and Harry were the only people competing and like you were both unstable. You didn't care it was not true and her opinion didn't matter.


Snape came to talk to you the morning of the third task.

"L/n. champions are meeting in the chamber just out the hall after breakfast." Snape told you.

"The task is tonight why would they need us now?" You asked nervously.

"Your family is visiting." He said. Your heart skipped a beat and you had a unmistakable grin spread across your face.

"Kathy, Dad..." You exhaled with a smile. You hugged Severus. "Thank you." You said. The head of house pushed you off of him and you scampered off to breakfast very happy.

You were so excited, your father was finally going to see you and you'd get to see your sister.

You finished breakfast quickly and was first out of the Slytherin table, Krum noticed your excitement himself and saw too happy knowing about seeing his family.

You opened the door and saw Kathy and your father. You ran up and hugged them both tightly and they did the same. Your mother was fixing up the maze so you didn't have to worry about her. You felt tears in your eyes.

"I missed you two so much." You said holding them closer.

"I missed you too Y/n." Your Dad said giving you the most heartfelt smile you've seen.

"And Kathy I missed you too. I'm glad we kept in touch." You told her making her nod, you have never seen them so happy to see you since last year when you saw them at Christmas for the first time in about a year.

"You want to give us a tour?" Kathy asked.

"It's been forever since I've seen this castle." Your father said looking at its walls.

You walked them around and saw Peter in the halls.

"Hey Pete!" You said joyfully, you could see he was surprised to see you so cheery.

"Y/n!" He said surprised.

"Hey." You smiled.

"Oh... you must be Kathy, Y/ns sister, she talks about you a lot, and you must be Y/n's dad." Pete said shaking each of their hands.

"Yes, and you're Peter Groveden, Y/n missed you over the summer." Your father revealed making you blush, it's true you did worry about Peter a bit.

"Yeah?" Pete asks looking at you. "I'll have to see you around, the twins are up to some more bets and pranks for tonight." Peter said.

"Let me guess they're betting on Harry to win?" You asked your hands on your hips.

"Generally, but I mean Fred's scared since you hexed him." Pete admitted. You laughed, you did promise to hex him, and you did, he was attempting to get up the stairs to Gryffindor tower with legs locked together and arms with the structural integrity of jelly.

"See ya around Pete." You waved.

"See ya." You continued walking until you came across Draco on his own carrying a book.

"Hey Draco." You said making him look up he saw your father then Kathy and turned red.

"Y/n it's good to see you cheery again." He said noticing your smile, the tasks got you down along with crouch, but you were truly the happiest you've been in a while.

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