Chapter forty four - To Cedric

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Y/n pov

After his death and everything when you and Harry confront the Diggorys which you feared most. Their son was dead because of you. You didn't save Cedric. You barley felt like you were walking around that day.

You explained everything that had happened when Cedric died you told them everything even about you and Cedric so they knew he died happily and bravely. You knew Harry was there too but you didn't care, he may've seen himself anyway.

Amos Diggory cried most of the time, Harry didn't say much and given that you knew Cedric best, you spoke more, your voice shaky as you remembered his echo his touch, his warm embrace, lightening smile all the fun times you had to push from your memory.

"He died happy then... and painlessly." You nodded. "he must've been proud, he won after it all." Mrs. Diggory said you and Harry seemed to get the same idea and took out the money you had won.

"Take it, please, it was Cedric who earned it." You said. Mrs. Diggory smiled lightly.

"It's the both of yours, you keep it. We couldn't possibly." She said to Harry and you before turning to face you completely.

"Never thought Cedric would find someone like you." She said.

"Find someone like me?" You ask quietly.

"He loved you." She muttered making your heart break.

"loved me...?" You whispered in disbelief.

"He told us that once he won, he planned to ask you to Hogsmeade." She said it getting harder to talk. You stared, he loved you... and you couldn't save him?

"...I'm so sorry... he was very important to me." You told the two.

"Please... take care of yourselves, especially you..." Mrs. Diggory said to you. "We're sorry about your loss dear."

"Thank you." You breathed barley keeping it together. When they left you were supposed to go to Slytherin dorms but you went outside and felt the sun on your face you looked up and slide your back against the walls of the school and began to sob, your knees to your chest, you kept closing your eyes and seeing pain, death and your sister, you just wanted it to be over, why you had such strong memories of the event you wished you could erase. When you heard footsteps you jumped to your feet and pulled you wand on whoever it was only to see the Twins and Peter. You shook lightly and wiped your tears.

"Hey..." You muttered out of breath from crying.

"Y/n... Dumbledore told the whole school not to badger you or Harry so you... don't have to worry about that." Peter told you.

"I know..." You said, you had heard he was going to do that. You were happier for Harry; you didn't know how he'd handle it.

"Y/n do you need to talk about it-" You cut Fred off.

"How are you so calm? We all lost Cedric. I couldn't stop it... or I didn't and ..." You bit your lip to hold back tears.

"Y/n... we all miss Cedric, but we're worried about you and Harry right now." Peter said, you noticed his red eyes, he must've been crying. You noticed all of them looked like they had cried.

"You can be angry! Be pissed! My friend is dead, I have no sister or father, my mother is missing? Where do I go after term?" You ask the three making them all look guilty and you hear a voice behind you.

"Miss L/n... if I could see you in my office." Dumbledore said quickly.

"Yes headmaster." You said not looking up at him. You knew from memory when you were at the statue. And when you entered the office you heard the door shut.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now