Chapter forty two - Hospital Ward Again

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Y/n pov

You walked with Harry the black dog Sirius and Dumbledore. You still were limping given you has a gash in your thigh and side which the blood began to fill the bandage, you taking note made you quick to take out your wand making the three around you to stop and look at you. You just used the spell you knew and made it together and thicker around your side and added to your leg and your arm, you truly didn't notice all the blood until now.

"Y/n... do you need help-" Harry attempted to offer but you cut him off.

"No." You said quickly you realizing the harshness of you tone lighten up your face. "I'm fine Harry." You lied. You had lost so much blood and didn't want to admit you felt like you could pass out any second.

You entered the hospital ward you saw Mrs. Weasley, Bill, Ron, Peter and Hermione crowding around a harassed looking Madam Pomfrey.

All of them whipped around at the sound of the four of your walking in. You saw Mrs. Weasleys face immediately change at the sight of Harry.

"Harry! Oh Harry!" She started to hurry towards him but Dumbledore stood between them.

"Molly" He said holding up a hand. "please listen to me for a moment. Harry and Y/n have gone through a terrible ordeal tonight, they've just had to relive it for me. If they wish for you to stay I will allow it, but I do not want you to question them about the ordeal until they are ready to talk about it and certainly not this evening." He said which made you grateful. Mrs. Weasley was quite pale.

"Did you hear him? Quiet." Mrs. Weasley hissed at her children and Hermione.

"Headmaster," Madam Pomfrey said staring at the great black dog that was Sirius. "may I ask what-?"

"This dog will remain with Harry for a while, I can assure you he is very well trained. Harry, I will wait until you get into bed." Dumbledore said making you smile.

You felt a burning sense of gratitude towards Dumbledore for making it so they didn't question you. Not that it mattered they were focused on Harry, but that wasn't how you should be thinking.

"I will be back to see you as soon as I have met with fudge," Dumbledore said looking at the both of you. "I would like the both of you to remain here until I've talked to the school." Dumbledore continued making you nod. You were in no rush to be seen. With that he left.

"Come." Madam Pomfrey said looking at the blood on your tournament robes and decided out of you and Harry you needed medical attention first.

"Harry first." You said sternly Madam Pomfrey knew your stubbornness all too well and decided to listen. Harry looked at you and shook his head. You gave him a weak smile letting him know you were okay. Madam Pomfrey leads Harry towards a bed to your right.

"Will he be okay?" Harry asks seeing Moody a few beds over.

"He'll be fine." She asked making you and harry feel reassured.

She handed Harry pajamas and made it so he couldn't be seen changing.

She then looked at you.

"I need to tend to your wounds before you can change." You looked at Harry even though you couldn't see him through the curtain put up and nodded. You could see all the concerned faces as you limped to the bed across from Harry. You sat on the said she asked what was the worst. You looked at Molly and Pete who seemed the most concerned out of the lot.

"I have a gash on my side, on my thigh and arm, I slowed the bleeding but it... I couldn't heal it." You said slowly.

Madam Pomfrey saw the blood from your side and started there, you lifted up your tournament uniforms so she could see and you took out your wand and reversed the spells that gave you the bandages in the first place. You winched at the cold feeling and the slick blood that crawled down yours side.

Madam Pomfrey was quick to have a potion in reach which she hand wrapped your side and the made you drink the rest, she helped you do the same for your other two wounds. You looked at Harry for he had opened the sheet and you made eye contact. You could barley keep yourself up. She helped clean around the wound making you wince a few times... but as of tonight, pain was no stranger.

"I'm alright... just tired." Harry said telling them all and you to which you nodded.

Madam Pomfrey gave you pajamas and a sheet to change behind, you did and they managed to not get any blood on them making you look a lot better than you felt. You opened the current and you saw many chairs around Harry and three right by you which was filled by Peter, Fred and George. You noted that the twins looked like they had been crying and Pete looked as if he was staring without seeing. When Peter noticed you however he pulled himself out of his trance.

He held your hand lightly and you felt tears well up in your eyes you weren't as strong as Harry. You pulled away and began to cry shuttering and shaking, you lost everyone in one night, you put your head in your hands and pulled you knees to your chest. Your father is dead, your sister betrayed you, tortured you. You stifled cries as Madam Pomfrey left to get something. You can't get the dead face of Cedric lying there. Why didn't you take that cup? Why couldn't you just die like you should've? Why were you brought back here? You didn't deserve kindness. You shook a bit more violently. You lost everyone... you couldn't save Harry, you let Voldemort live.

You fell deeper into your thoughts well you cried and held yourself, trying to keep the noise level low. Madam Pomfrey came back with a potion you recognised easily, something to help you sleep and with little to no dreams. You saw her give it to Harry he looked at you and then her.

"It will help you fall into a dreamless sleep." Pomfrey explained.

You wiped your red face and teary eyes before faking a smile and taking the potion from her. You looked at Harry asleep and sighed.

"Y/n-" Peter began, you know that he lost a friend too tonight and seeing you like this isn't what you had hoped.

"It's okay Pete... I'm just... tired." You said in such an unsure wavering voice. You just chugged the potion and wanted to fall asleep. You laid back and were out in seconds the strain on your body already tiring you out in the first place.

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