Chapter twenty nine - Messages

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Y/n pov

You got too the dorm room and wrote Sirius.

Please tell me you are not coming back here!?
You need to stay away if you get caught, they'll throw you back in Azkaban. Especially with so many ministry members around because of the Tournament.
I know you miss Harry and I know he misses you, but if you get caught... both of you may never see eachother again.

You sent your owl knowing what he was planning was getting closer and hoping for a quick response.


It was after the tournament and rumors of you and Draco began to spread as well as rumors of Hermione and Krum, you weren't as flustered as Hermione just because you and Draco knew how you felt about eachother, you just wanted to wait before doing anything serious.

Hermione was getting some hate, but she was doing well enough to ignore it.

You didn't hear anything back from Sirius until March.

Go with Harry to Hogsmeade. He'll help you find me. Bring food.
-    Sirius

You looked up and saw Harry reading a letter. Eventually you had double potions with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Along with Draco, but since the Yule Ball he seemed to lighten up a lot more on Harry, you sat beside Harry and watched the back of Draco's head thinking back to that night, it was beautiful. You shook and only realized that you were doing so when Snape was threating Harry lowly.

"Do you know what this is potter?" Snape asks.

"It's Veritaserum sir, a very powerful truth potion... I suggest for you and the ministry's sake you keep that away from students." You answered having a hard-set gaze on Snape.

"Now this goes for you too, I suggest the both of you stop stealing form my private stores or else my hand may just slip, over your morning pumpkin juice. Then we'll all get the truth out of you." Your mind raced to the time in Azkaban, the spells you've cast, you could spill anything. But you couldn't show weakness.

"Well, then professor, I suggest you get back to teaching your class, looks like Parkinson is about to over heat her potion." You said glancing at the girl who was too busy trying to gain Draco's attention to notice.

Snape sneers than walks away from your table.

"Thanks a lot." Harry thanked you.

"It's okay. Anyway, would it be okay if I joined you at Hogsmeade? It's been forever since we hung out and uh... well a certain ex- roommate of mine has plans to say hi to us." You said with a smile making Harry too calm down a bit form the tension he had with Snape previously.

"Yes, you're always welcome." He told you.

"it's nice talking again, I'm sorry I've just been so busy." You tell him.

"I understand, the tournament is on my mind constantly." He reminds you.

You both got back to work until Karkaroff barged in making a scene, he said it was urgent and he needed to speak with Snape. You looked at Harry and then Snape suspiciously.

You cleaned up all your things than headed towards the door but snuck behind a desk noticing Harry did the same but opposite the room to you.

"What's so urgent?" Snape asks.

"This." Karkaroff said lifting his sleeve you saw the Dark mark your father and mother told you about it, a sign of loyalty to the dark lord, it was faded but parts of it were darker than the rest. You turned your head back behind the desk in shock.
"Well?" Karkaroff said as trying to prove something. "It's never been this clear since-"

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