Chapter twenty four - Confessions

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Y/n pov

"Draco I..." you said wanting to confess everything.  But heard footsteps. "Someone's coming." You said quickly remembering students weren't supposed to be in the halls or snogging... or snogging in the halls.

"What do you want to do?" He asked.

"You run, hide. Meet me in the astronomy tower... at midnight." You tell him before bolting around another corner.  You needed to figure out how you were feeling.

You went outside and sat down in the cold. You saw Moody walk by and he stopped.

"Why are you out here?" He asked his magic eye staring at you.

"Enjoying the cold." You answered looking up at him.

"Get inside L/n." He told you.

"I think I'll stay." You said looking off thinking about the next challenge.

"You are a Triwizard champion this ball is to celebrate you'll get back in there-" Moody reminded you.

"Can we even call it Triwizard anymore? I mean it's laughable someone wanted to hurt me and this is how they do it?" you scoffed.

"What do you mean?"

"I believe your theory." You tell him.

"Someone trying to hurt you?" Moody sounds surprised that you'd believe him.

"I mean, I didn't put my name In and someone had to. Sabotage and all that. You're a great teacher and by my fathers account a great Auror." You tell him.

"Can I offer my advice?" He asks.

"Go ahead sir."

"I think you are meant for something great. I think these games will lead you somewhere far better." He said knowingly. Though you'd know he'd probably know about the tasks.

"You mean when theses games kill me." You joke.

"I mean the end of these games you'll come out alive." He said with confidence.

"How can you be sure?" You ask nervously.

"I call it a gut feeling." Moody smiled.

"Heh... um sir can I ask you a question?" You ask.


"How well do you know my mother?" You said thinking of suspects.

"I know her very well." Moody said which surprised you.

"Would you trust her with everything?" You ask. Moody looked at you oddly.

"I do. I knew your mother in the war. Crafty women, could fool anyone." He said, making you trust her less rather than more.

"What does that mean?"

"She was a spy for the ministry, got close and personal with death eaters, that's when her sister was killed... she blew her cover sky high and attempted to kill the person responsible, they escaped." Moody told you.


"She is brave, smart, hasn't been the same, you should've met her before the war. Scary one, fighter, prime in her work, fastest I've seen, after she was quiet, helped me settle into my new home. I forgot to thank her for that." He told you. "You know kid, I'm not really touch-feely. But your mother was and is on the right side of trust."


"You should go inside L/n." Moody told you.

"Why?" You ask again.

"Why the Heir of Slytherin, sitting alone in the cold don't sound right." He almost laughed.

"Heh." You watch as Moody takes a swig of his flask and walks towards the castle. You smile and sit there. Might as well enjoy the dance and forget about your worries for a little.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now