Chapter forty three - The Parting Of Ways

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Y/n pov

You wake up to whispers and noise around you, your head was pounding and you had an idea that you were not asleep for very long.

"They'll wake them if they don't shut up." Mrs. Weasley said on her feet. You moved your hand on you head making Peter stare at you. Everything felt fuzzy.

"Regrettable but all the same, Minerva -" Fudge said making you hate the sound of his voice.

"You should've never brought it inside the castle!" McGonagall yelled. "when Dumbledore finds out-" You sat up in your bed, one hand holding your head. You saw Fudge burst in the hospital wing doors, Snape and McGonagall on his heels, you felt light headed no doubt groggy from waking up, you could tell the potions effects were most helpful, you felt you arm and leg felt much better and your side had certainly stopped bleeding completely.

"Where's Dumbledore?" Fudge demanded looking at Mrs. Weasley.

"Not here," Mrs. Weasley said angerly. "This is the hospital wing minister; do you think you'd do better to-" Before Molly could continue Dumbledore strode into the hospital wing.

"What has happened?" Dumbledore asked sharply. Looking from Fudge to McGonagall. "Why are you disturbing these people? Minerva I'm surprised at you- I asked you to stand guard over Barty Crouch-"

"There is no need to stand guard over him anymore Dumbledore!" McGonagall shrieked, "The minister has seen to that." You've never seen McGonagall this angry she was fuming with rage, her fisted shaking by her side.

"When we told Mr. Fudge that we had caught the Death Eater responsible for tonight's events," Said Snape in a low voice, you felt like you were about to hear really bad news. "He seemed to feel his personal safety was in question. He insisted on summoning a dementor to accompany him.... He brought it up to the office where Barty crouch-"

"I told him you would not agree dumbledore!" Stormed McGonagall. "I told him you'd never let dementors in the castle-"

"My dear women!" Roared Fudge. "As Minister of Magic it is up to me to bring protection when interviewing a potentially dangerous-"

"The moment that – that thing entered the room!" She pointed at Fudge trembling. "It swooped down on Crouch and ...and..."

Your eyes widened... Crouch was dead and that means the only other witness and the only one who knew where your mother was is dead.

"As far as I'm concerned, he was no loss." Fudge said ignorantly.

"He can no longer give a testimony Cornelius. He can't give evidence as to why he killed all those people" Dumbledore stated.

"Why he killed them? He's raving mad believing he did it on You-Know-Who's orders."

"He was doing it on Lord Voldemorts orders. Their deaths were simply by products of a carefully planned out plan to bring Voldemort back to full power, the plan clearly succeeded and Voldemort is back to full power." Dumbledore told Fudge.

Fudge looked absolutely astounded, dumbfounded, Dumbledore had just told him what he didn't want to. Dumbledore went on to say that no doubt Minerva and Snape had told him what they heard Crouch admit under the influences of Veritaserum, and you and Harry being present at Voldemorts rebirth.

Fudge had an odd smile spread across his face, one you didn't enjoy.

"And you're willing to take Harry's word on this are you Dumbledore?" There was a moment of silence only broken by Sirius growling. You wouldn't let Harry get called a lair for this.

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