Chapter thirty six - Lord Voldemort Returns

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Y/n pov

Your feet hit the ground and you fell over, you held your head.

"Ugh, where are we?" You groan, you look at Cedric and then Harry. No one knew. At least you were all in the same boat. You stood up and dusted yourself off checking quick of any injuries... well any big ones.

"It's a portkey!" Cedric said looking at the cup. "Bloody Hell Harry, did anyone tell you it was a portkey?" 

"No." Harry said dusting himself off.

"Is this part of the task?" You asked growing concerned.

"I... I don't know." Harry answered looking out, there was an odd-looking house in then near distance.

"Wands out then, you reckon?" Cedric said.

"Yeah." You said having your hand already on your wand. You pulled it out remaining vigilant.

You were looking around and Cedric took your free hand in his.

"Hey, I uh need to say something." He stuttered you noticed how nervous he was acting.

"Okay." You said taking a few steps away from Harry.

"Well I was going to wait until after the task was over but it feels right to do it now." He said holding your hand a bit tighter but not enough for it to hurt.

"Do what?" You asked him.

"Y/n, I think I lov... I think you and I should become a real couple, like-" You stopped him right there.

"Whoa, what about Cho, Cedric...?" You asked confused. You had set them up and he was about to ruin that for you.

"Watching you in the tournament, seeing you compete, getting worried, pacing, seeing you at the ball, holding you, and kissing you... it's made me realize just how much you mean to me..." He said leaning in.

"Cedric... You know that this is breaking the promise we made to eachother." You reminded him.

"I guess the twins rule breaking rubbed off on me." He said, you and him closed the gap between you. You felt him wrap his arms around you and your arms wrapped around his neck. When you pulled apart you looked into his eyes, those beautiful eyes. You brushed some hair that fell in his face away and he did the same to you. You felt calm with him. You felt loved, cared for.

"They'll never let us live this down when we get back." You joked making Cedric laugh as his still had his hand cupping your cheek with one hand.

"I know." He said putting his forehead on yours. You felt better than you had in a while.

"I..." You wanted to confess to him how he made you felt but then you caught sight of a headstone with the name TOM RIDDLE and you felt a cool sense wash over you. Your mind went back to what Findri told you. You sunk into the memory.

"I had a vision. It was of you, you were in pain, I couldn't here but I saw you screaming, there was a green light... I don't know what this means." He said darkly.
"Like a shot of green light?" you asked confirming.
"It was dark...  there were many stones... large stones."

"Like head stones" You muttered, that meant that something bad was about to happen.

"What?" Cedric asked confused. You looked up at him worried.

You heard Harry yell. You ran to him and saw a figure walking towards you... two figures.

"We have to get out of here!" You shouted growing panicked.

"What's going on?" Cedric asked.

"I had a vision... it doesn't matter but we can't stay here." You said attempting to help Harry up but he's in agony.

"Who are you?" Cedric asked the figures.

"Kill the spare." A voice rung out.

"Avada Kedavra!" The larger clocked person cast their wand pointed at Cedric.

"No! Cedric!"  You cried as you saw the green light hit his chest. You ran to him and brushed the hair from his face, he was cold like ice.

"Please... No... no. Ced!" You cried on your hands and knees holding Cedrics head in your lap. This had to be a nightmare.... It had to be.

You heard grunting and saw a cloaked figure grab Harry and before you could react you felt another figure pulling you away from Cedric's body. You cried and kicked and yelled but no help was coming, you didn't realize it but your were being tied with magic to a rather large headstone and ninety degrees to your right a few meters away was Harry having the same happen to him, Cedric lying dead in-between the two of you. You couldn't tear your eyes away from him, tears sliding down your cheeks... He didn't deserve this.

"You!" You heard Harry shout his eyes looking at the larger man... Wormtail... which means this is the girl you've been seeing.

"Who are you? Why do I keep seeing you?" You hissed feeling grief and anger rush over you. "You will suffer for this." You told her looking at Cedric.

"You will watch them... Set up the caldron." Wormtail ordered. She didn't seem happy but you knew she would listen. He removed the head of his cloak.

"Bone of the father, unknowingly taken you, you will renew you son." You watched as dust which you assumed used to be bone floated from under the grave that Harry was standing over and it went into the boiling cauldron that the girl had set up.

"Flesh – of the servant – w-willing given you will revive – your master." Wormtail took out his hand with the missing finger and raised a long, sharp silver blade above his head, you watched and Harry looked away but you kept your eyes on Wormtail as he swung down you felt a cool smirk hit your lips as he screamed. You knew he was suffering, a sick part of you wanted him to suffer more.

"Blood of the heir, taken with pride, for our lord shall rise again."  Wormtail said directly in front of you now. You squirmed as Wormtail took the dagger and put it to your forearm, you tried to pull away but couldn't you let out a small but desperate cry as he continued to dig the knife in, he twisted the blade just for fun. You felt pain unlike any other in this moment. He filled this vial with your blood running down your arm. You bet he only twisted the blade given you were the one who hurt him the most on your last encounter. You saw Harry looking at you horrified and you put your head down in shame you should've killed that rat when you had the chance.

"Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken... you will resurrect your foe." You hear Harry's cries and you strain to get to him your ropes making it impossible.

You wanted this to be a dream... I nightmare, oh please be a nightmare. Wormtail poured the blood into the caldron. A bright light shone. Please... It was blinding .... Just let it all die... have you wake up... you begged internally, the light began to die down and you saw a man standing there, in pitch black robes, as pale as a skull, wide eyes of scarlet making him look like a snake, along with a nose that looked like a snakes just slits for nostrils... he was terrifying.

Lord Voldemort had once again returned.

(So I'm like kinda sorry this like hurt me to write, I feel bad but at the same time I'm super excited for the next chapter... sorry. But you can tell me what you think.)

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