Chapter ten - Goblet Of Fire

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Y/n pov   

Your classes were going great, you loved Moody giving that he hated Crouch, as much as you, even more you'd say. His lessons were interesting and he really knew his stuff, no doubt from working and fighting Dark wizards you'd have to.

You were walking with Peter, Ced and the twins talking about how in a week's time the two schools were showing up and the Triwizard tournament.

"I don't know about you but we're finding a way to get in." Fred said excitedly.

"You'll get hurt." You warn.

"Come on Y/n." George said.

"No. I'm glad I can't enter." You tell the boys.

"You and me both." Peter commented.

"I want to put my name in." Cedric revealed.

"Ced don't. I think it's an awful game, fun to watch but the reward isn't worth it." You tell him.

"It has a huge reward I could use the money." He said.

"The money's not worth your life." You tell him.

"I'm not going to die. Do you really underestimate me so much?" He asked making you think about it, he was smart. You trusted him.

"Ced, it's just dangerous. You're smart and strong, but I mean people have died in these games." You said knowing you were stroking the Hufflepuff's ego.

"They've changed the rules I'm sure I'll be fine." He said as if it were a sure thing that he was getting in.

"Cedric I know you'd win if you got picked, but I just don't want any of my friends to be involved." You reveal. He sighed.

"If I get picked can I count on you to be on my team?" He asked and you smiled. Of course, you'd always support him.

"Always Ced, you're one of my best friends. And you need someone sensible, otherwise it's these three." You said pointing at the three boys to your left. Making them all give a defensive 'Hey'

"I'm guessing you'll do what fight a sea monster for me?" Cdric asked jokingly.

"I'll fight a dragon for you." You fired back.

"Oh yeah?" He teased.

"Yeah." You said jokingly punching him.

"How?" He asked crossing his arms. You two loved to play fight and just try to prove you were stronger than one another, a real best friends relationship. You two rough housed frequently.

"I may be your friend but I'll still fight you." You warned him.

"I know, you've already scared the shit out of us as a wolf." Cedric said making you laugh, that was funny.

"Like this?" You growl and tackle Cedric making him hit the ground and you just sit on his chest. He attempts to push you off of him but you stay there.

"Y/n what do you want?" he asks making you just stay there looking down at him.

"Maybe a good pet." Fred laughed making you growl at him but in that moment of distraction Cedric pushes you off of him and you shift back and laugh your ass off lying in the dirt.

"Want a hand?" Cedric asks.

"Yeah." You take his hand and dust yourself off.

"You're crazy scarred, you know." Peter said looking at his hands.

"Yeah. But each one I came out alive so that's what matters, and I don't blame the wolves involved." You tell him rubbing his head.

"You're taking that injury much better than I would've." Cedric admitted pointing to your side.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now