Chapter thirty two - Barty Crouch

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Y/n pov

It was finally the start of summer and you were not excited you were walking to afternoon class when Cedric pulled you aside.

"Just so you know at 9 we have to go to receive instructions for the final task. So meet me at the door at 8 45 latest." He told you.

"Okay thanks..." You were glad to find out when you needed to go. After going to your dorm rooms and getting changed into more casual and comfortable clothes.

"Want us to go with you?" Bay and Alli offered.

"No its okay, Cedric will walk me down." You tell them.

"Ooooo" They joked.

"Shut up, he's going out with Cho." You reminded them.

"Like that matters." Bay laughed.

"Okay. Goodbye you two." You left the castle and found Cedric waiting for you. You hadn't talked to him since the dance.

You walked down and saw a whole bunch of windy hedges the dark was not your favourite place to go.

"Hello there. Now I'm sure you can guess what we're making here." None spoke for a moment but then you and Krum said in unison.

"Very good you two. Yes, it is a maze, we'll have our tie for first enter first, then L/n, next Krum then miss, Decour."

"Very well, you may all go back to the castle anymore questions and we'll be inside." You were staying back getting a bad feeling Cedric noticed this and put his hand on your arm.

"Aren't you coming?" he asked.

"I..." You see Harry and Krum split off.

"I just need to check something out before the full moon you know. I'll be in soon. See ya tomorrow." You said walking towards the forest. Cedric seemed to take that answer.

You kept hidden in the woods. You saw Harry and Krum, what an idiot following him into the woods like this.

"I vant to know," his voice was glowering, you had your hand over your wand in case Krum tried anything no need to get defensive for no reason. "what is going on between you and Hermy-own-ninny."

"Nothing." Harry said, Krum was using his height to be intimidating you thought maybe a scare would be best. "We're friends. She's not my girlfriend never has been."

"Rita Skeeter is just making stuff up." You said plainly, standing a fair distance from Krum. He was stronger so close combat wouldn't be best.

"Y/n?" Harry asked confused.

"Vhy did you follow us?" Victor asks.

"Harry was being lead into the woods by you. Krum you must remember someone is after Harry and I. Of course, I'll have his back." You said looking at the young boy.

"You can lower your wand." You nodded and crossed you arms. Looking at Harry.

"So Harry, you and her never...?" Krum asked.

"No." Harry said extremely firm.

"You fly very well, I vos vatching at the first task." He said making Harry and you relax a lot.

"Thanks. I saw you at the Quidditch world Cup. The way you tricked the Ireland seeker to-" Harry's words fell silent and he stared behind Krum and yourself.

"What is it Harry?" You ask.

You and Krum followed Harry's line of sight, you saw a dishevelled Crouch, he looked as if he'd been traveling for days his knees bloody and his face scratched, you wondered if that was him or someone else. He appeared to be talking to someone else that only he could see.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year FourOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora