Chapter eight - Imperio

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Y/n pov

You were happy when the class ended and went back to your room, you decided some sleep would do you some good, you would've had much but then there was a owl hooting and you see Stormcatcher with a letter in their beak.

"Thanks." You said petting their feathers.

You open it and read it.

Y/n –
I'm flying north, I want you to know that I'm making my way back safely... I want you to do me a favour, if you could please make sure Harry's safe, he said his scar has been hurting, if you could just tell me if anything seems off, since I can't be there. Please. Anyway I hope your studies are going well, staying out of Azkaban I see. I bet you've been told but just in case I think you should know, Crouch is dangerous. Be careful, I hope to see you again.

You smiled and began to write a reply.

I'll of course make sure Harry's okay; he is my friend after all. I'll make sure. Studies are going well, our new DADA professor is Mad-eye Moody of all people, normally I'd be thrilled but with him locking so many in Azkaban and me being an enemy of the ministry, I worry. I'm fairly worried about Remus too, when I last spoke with him, he was spent, felt guilty for nearly killing me. I don't know everything that happened with Remus and you, but he was a damn good professor, I only wish he can see he's no monster. Peter is handling full moons better. I'll be safe. Keep out of sight and be smart. Good luck Padfoot.
- Y/n L/n

You sent Stormcatcher off knowing you wouldn't see them for a few days at least, you also gave Sirius some snacks not knowing how much he'd been eating.

You wanted to Sleep but heard a knock at your door and droned to get it.

"Yes?" You ask seeing the new Prefect.

"Professor Snape would like to see you in the Potions classroom immediately." You half nod.

"Okay." You said grabbing your wand from your bed before going to the potions class room.

You enter and See Snape finishing setting up two cauldrons.

"Lock the door." H e instructed. You did as he said and waited for instructions.

"After what happened last year, I want you to know how to make this potion in the event I'm not able." He said sternly.

"What potion?" You ask intrigued.

"Wolfsbane." Your heart sinks but your mind wander. Snape cares about you. At least enough to never want you to get another scratch and if you were being honest you felt the same, two in one year was quite enough. The more you think the more you realise how crazy last year was.

You shake your head of your thoughts "But sir, isn't it extremely complex?" you ask.

"Yes, but you're top of my class, you made intermediate potions your first year, I do believe if any student in this castle could make this potion it'd be you." You smiled lightly and knew he's not one to be nice but you were liking it.

"Thank you, Sir." You said before he begins.

When he did begin going through all the inductions, he watched you closely and for every mistake he made you start over. You were there for two, no three hours before he let you go. You had only completed half of the potion correctly, he said it was late and the same time tomorrow or you'd fail his class. It was good to know your passing or failing all depended if you a fourth year could make this advanced potion at least two years ahead of where you were.


You were the last one to fall asleep that night, but as normal the first to wake up. You changed and woke up your two best friends, Bay woke up eager for another DADA session and Alli woke up in fear due to your loud voice in her face, she just wanted to sleep but then you pointed out that Breakfast was still going on which made her jump out of bed and run to the great hall.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now