Chapter twenty two - Peter!

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Y/n pov

You went to the dorm room with Bay and Alli.

"So... you and Draco?" Alli asked.

"It's not happening. He has his precious Pansy." You said with clenched fists.

"Ouch." Bay commented.

"He's allowed to go with whoever he pleases." You said while placing all books and study materials down by that golden egg you needed to figure out.

"Are you sure about that?" Bay asks.

"Was I kinda hoping that he was going to ask me? Yes! But now I've got no date and I've rejected everyone who's asked me because I don't know what Cedric's plan is." You ranted before huffing and sitting on your bed. Alli and Bay sat on it beside you.

"I think you should hunt them down." Bay said.

"You know what I will!" You told her.

"Do you want backup?" Alli asked.

"Nope!" You said throwing open the door.

You stormed out having to dodge Snape who saw you steamed but didn't dare ask. You finally found Fred and George in the halls but then you noticed who they were carrying.

"Pete?" You gasped and ran up to them.

"What happened?" You asked touching his forehead he was cold sweating.

"He just started sweating heavily, he was taking to us and Ced, then he jumped at Ced... tried to bite him... but then Pete... he just collapsed." Fred explained.

"We need to get him to the hospital ward now!" You said.

"I know." Ced said from behind you, you saw he came with professor Snape, you honestly didn't care you needed someone who could brew potions.

"L/n, go to my classroom, I have stores in there, make an emergency batch of wolfsbane. I need to take him to the medical ward immediately." Snape said.

"Is there no one better-"

"Go now!" He shouted. You nodded.

"Yes sir." You said before bolting, you even shifted so you wouldn't slide down the halls, you heard thunder crack in the sky and it made you run faster.

You kept running and burst through the doors. You grabbed all the bottles the scales everything and began using Snape's caldron.

You worked as fast as you could, but if you messed up it could be fatal, so you needed to be precise, but doing that and being quick was hard

You added the final ingredient and it looked perfect you put it in a large vial then put a cork in it and gently placed it in your teeth as you shifted and made your way to the medical ward.

"Peter!?" You ask sliding into the ward. You stand holding the vial and Snape is there along with Dumbledore, Pomfrey, McGonagall and Moody.

"Over here dear." Pomfrey said.

"I brough the wolfsbane." You said huffing handing it to Dumbledore.

You notice that Peter was chained to the hospital bed. Before you can do much more Moody is escorting you, Cedric and the red-haired twins out of the ward.

"But he's my friend." You said walking backwards as Moddy came closer.

"Get out. He'll be fine. Just wait out here." Moody told you.

"But he's probably scared. I need to be there with him." You insisted. Cedric pulled out back out of the doorway.

"You'll wait out here." Moody shut the doors and you knew if you ran in there was going to be problems but didn't care.

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