Chapter four - Nightmare Dinner

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You finished setting up and around seven and soon enough you were all gathered around to eat, you sat in between Bill and Charlie across from you was Percy and beside him was Fred.

You fell silent, you caught Percy's death glares and you kept silent as he talked all about his boss, Crouch who you hated very much. You listened to him drone on about Crouch and talk bad about Bertha, as well as Mrs. Weasley's comments on Bills hair and earring which you quite liked his look. You listen around and heard Fred and George talk about Quidditch and you were a fan of the Irish yourself, though Ron made a huge swoon over Krum. You glance over at Percy and see him glaring towards you, Charlie sees you shift over towards him slightly and he holds your hand under the table to calm your nerves making you smile.

You were only brought into the conversation when Percy spoke to you.

"Y/n you know Mr. Crouch says a lot about you." He said taking a sip of tea. You looked at Fred before Percy.

"Only good I hope?" You joked hoping that humor would make him leave it alone.

"The opposite really."

"What a shame." You said growing more serious.

"You know he said you're a not to be trusted." Percy said his eyes hidden behind his glasses.

"Well good thing Barty Crouch doesn't know everything." You said your grip on Charlie's hand growing tighter.

"Mr. Crouch said you're out to be exactly like your uncle." Percy said making the table go very quiet.

"I don't want to do this here Percy." You warned looking at see Ginny who was too young to deal with this.

"I mean my sister was in danger in her first year and guess who was in the chamber with her." Percy said making you clench your jaw.

"Ron, take Ginny, Harry and Hermione to your rooms." Mrs. Weasley ordered making the four scramble away as Mrs and Mr. Weasley helped them inside. Due to Ginny and the trio being stubborn.

"He said you're a lot like him, your uncle." Percy continued making Bill and Charlie give warnings for him to back down.

"He's no family to me!" You shout quickly regaining yourself.

"Mr. Crouch also said your power makes you unstable he said you attempted to kill a teacher there." Percy stated calmly as if trying to piss you off.

"I would never... Percy don't listen to everything he tells you." You warn him. The teacher thing was a rumor completely.

"Mr. Crouch is much more reliable than you and your traitorous ways." Percy said growing defensive.

"I'm no traitor." You said in a low tone. The twins looked at each other and noticed that look on your face.

"Percy maybe you should go inside." George suggested. Percy ignored their passive attempts to escalate the situation.

"Really? You went to Azkaban." You looked down knowing it was true... you didn't see your mom for a year because of that.

"Percy!" Bill shouted as warning.

"Crouch and Fudge put me there!" You retorted letting go of Charlie's hand.

"You attacked a guard." Percy stated standing.

"How... How do you about that?" You ask standing up like him.

"So you did?" You mentally cursed yourself for saying yes but you put your head down.

"He... He was attacking me... I didn't mean to... to hurt him... he just..."

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now