Chapter eighteen - Dracos Bad Timing

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Draco pov

Y/n was fighting, at first I was pretending not to care, but then she almost died, I was on the edge of my seat Blaise but his hand on my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Blaise asks.

"Yes." I lied.

"You should just forgive her." He said.

"Why?" I scoffed.

"Cause you love her." Blaise pointed out.

"Piss off Blaise." I hissed I hear a shout of pain and see the dragon had Y/n pinned.

I watched her nerves growing, what if the last interaction we had she hated me?

I watched intently, I watched the dragons fire catch her leg and her look up at it, she seemed to be unfazed by this and manages to make it inside.

Cheers erupted people cheering "Y/n! The true Heir is here!" Or "The Princess of Slytherin wins again!" No doubt fuelling to her victory.

I excuse myself and sneak into the tent, I need to tell her how I feel. If I don't now then I don't know what I'll do.

I look at the scene before me and my jaw drops.

Y/n pov

You pushed Cedric away but he mistook it as pulling him closer and depend the kiss. You finally saw the message get through and he backed off. Before you could say anything someone else spoke.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Malfoy shouted glaring at Cedric.

"I..." He tried to come up with an excuse.

"She's clearly uncomfortable, and I know about your little fake dating scheme as if she'd date someone like you." You stand up even though pain shoots through your leg you keep your balance.

"What's that supposed to mean Draco?" You ask.

"He's your friend that's all." Draco scoffed. You knew he was right, but you were still mad at him, you weren't letting him win.

"Well, maybe you're wrong." You tell him.

"Did you want him to kiss you?" Draco asks seriously you don't want to hurt him even if you're on rough terms.

"Draco, why does this matter to you? He's my boyfriend. We are dating." You said. Holding Cedric's hand.

"Well cause-" You cut the Malfoy off.

"And just a few weeks ago you couldn't even talk to me!" You shouted at him.

"That's not the point." He said.

"What is?" You ask demanding an answer.

"That you don't love him! I know you." Draco said stepping closer you looked at him sadly before saying your next words.

"Well maybe you don't know me." You fired at him.

"Listen-" Draco attempted to speak but you stopped him.

"No, you listen Draco Malfoy. I am Dating Cedric, I love and care about him, if you want to yell at me or tell me what or who I should date do it somewhere else." You tell him, this was coming form inside your heart. If he wanted to ask you out, he should do it, if not then he has no say in who you date.

Draco opened his mouth before storming off. A odd blue beetle flew out of the tent after Draco.

You turned to Cedric and slapped him across the face.

"Ow!" He exclaimed and you crossed your arms, sitting back on the hospital bed.

"Listen Cedric what the hell was that!?" You demanded answers.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now