Chapter thirty five - The Third Task

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Y/n pov

You all made your way out to the Quidditch pitch. You waited and stood beside Cedric out of habit you held his hand in nerves.

You were explained what to do, there was the cup and the first to grab it was the winner, the maze would change shift and have many tasks and trails which you had to avoid and if you were hurt or needed to get out at any point shoot up red sparks and someone will find you from outside where many were monitoring. You still didn't feel safe even with that fact and you knew Harry wasn't feeling the most confident right now by the look on his face, that maybe just been the nerves though.

The crowd was cheering heavily you could spot your sister and Father in the crowd up back, you also noticed your friends near the middle cheering for Slytherin. You heard the first whistle and Cedirc and Harry ran off. You waited and the second white you ran off shifting to make yourself quicker.

You heard a fourth than fifth, everyone was in, you didn't mind getting lost you just needed to find Harry or Cedric, someone had to win this thing.

You keeping running another left, right, right, left, center, you kept running, you shifted back realizing this wasn't working out. You heard a yell and raced toward it. You saw Krum had his leg caught in vines, his arms too. You could leave him here... no, what are you thinking. You shifted your wand into a sword. You began to slice the vines.

"Come on." You said taking his hand and pulling him out of that section of the maze.

"Thank you." He panted you could see red marks where the vines were constricting him.

"It's nothing... we all need to have each other's backs, I have a bad feeling about this." You admitted to him.

"Thank you still." He said again.

"Have you seen Harry or Cedric yet?" You ask.

"Harry went by me a little while ago before I got caught."  He told you.

"Thank you so much. Good luck." You told him before running off toward Harrys last known direction.

You kept running keeping light on your feet to be quiet, who knew what else was in here?

You kept on running stopped when you hear a high-pitched scream, it was either Fleur or Harry and you were betting on Fleur. You ran toward it you saw her laying on the ground shaken, vines wrapped against her stunned, petrified body. You hastily shot red sparks up and attempted to cut her fee a bit. She looked dead... you shook your head and continued to move on help was on its way.

You headed along a new path seeing that you were getting closer to the cup. You then hear raised voices.

"What are you doing?" Yelled Cedrics voice. Making you speed up. "What the hell do you think you're doing!"

"Crucio" You then heard the cool voice of Krum say. Your eyes filled with anger.

The air was filled with Cedric's yells and you were filled with rage and the urge to find your close friend.

You turned a corner and saw Cedric twitching and Jerking, Krum standing over him. He looked up but not towards you... Harry... you thought. Before anything could happen before he could run you shifted and tackled him to the ground.

You growled and bit down on his arm holding his wand not stopping until you heard a crack, you saw Krum release his wand. You shifted back.

"Petrificus Totalus!" You cast with powerful rage.  You see Krum's arm is clearly broken and you taste copper in your mouth there were bite marks on his arm with blood coming out of a few, you spat out blood, none of it yours.

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now