Chapter twenty seven - Helping Harry

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Y/n pov

You were sitting at the Slytherin table when letters came in, you noticed one go to Harry and that could only be two people. You also got a letter, you unraveled it and it was from your sister.

I did some digging; you have to use what I gave you to call me when you have the chance.


You were a little worried but quickly focused on Harrys confused face when reading the letter. You knew you'd have to talk to him about what Sirius had it had been a while since you talked to the trio. You knew it couldn't be anyone else... Remus was unlikely and the Weasley would most likely just send it to Ron. You had to get to class.

You got through the day and as you heading back to the Slytherin common rooms you saw the Library... You hadn't seen Draco since your last class together or the trio. Draco wasn't even at Dinner. You decided to check there for the Trio knowing Hermione's study habits.

After a little you found them.

"Hey guys." You said peering from around the bookshelves.

"Y/n!" Hermione hugged you after not seeing you much outside of classes.

"Yeah, it's been a while, sorry." You told them.

"Yeah, it's good to see you." Harry said with a half smile.

"Harry have you figured out the clue?" You asked.

"Yes." He said staring at the pile of books infront of him.

"Oh... good." You said knowing something was off.

"Wait you don't seem worried?" Ron stated.

"No I have a great idea of what to do." You told the trio.

"Please tell me." Harry begged.

"Of course. Harry we're in this together if you ever need help with a task you can come to me." You remind him. You had a feeling he felt dumb for not doing that sooner.

"What are you doing to hold your breath?" he asked.

"I'm using the bubblehead charm. It's an advanced Charm used to keep your nose and mouth surrounded by a bubble of air..." you explained.

"Advanced Charm?" Ron cut you off.

"Yes." You said knowing what came next.

"How do you know it?" Ron said in que.

"I was lucky to find the right books, the right people, I mean my window is the water, we see shadows of Merpeople all the time, sometimes hear them sing, they're territorial through if you get to close to home unsupervised." You told them.

"Wow..." Hermione said impressed.

"Wait but how can you, perform it? You're just a fourth year?" Ron exclaimed.

"I'm a bit stronger than I look Ron... It makes Charms simple, easier to master, at times I wonder if that's why I became an Animagus so quickly. Very Powerful magic runs through me." You reminded him.

"Right, Merlin and Slytherin." He mutters.


"Do you-" Ron was cut off by your other favourite Weasleys.

"heya." Fred said.

"Fred, George." You smiled.

"What are you two doing here?" Ron asked.

"Looking for you. Rona and Hermione, McGonagall wants you." George said.

"Why?" Hermione asks.

"Don't know, she was looking a bit Grim though." Said Fred.

"We're supposed to take you both down to her office."
You could see Harry's concern but found it best to change topics.

"What was it you were going to say before?" You ask to get your mind off of where your friends were off to.

"Do you think I can learn?" He asked.

"It's hard but we can try."  You told him. You looked in disbelieve his head in his hands. You put a hand on his shoulder, and he looked up at you.

"I won't let you fail Harry. I will make sure you get out there alive. I won't leave you behind. I promise." You told him. He smiled a bit; you began explaining the charm to him. You could see this want going to work half in hour in he was trying but it was complex, you knew that and Harry did too.

"This isn't going to work is it?" Harry said on his twentieth attempt.

"We just need to keep trying, maybe find something that's easier for you." You tell him.

"it's okay... you should get to your common room." Harry fake smiled.

"Harry..." You attempted to stay but then he sighed.

"Go. I'll just finish up here." He said looking towards the sunset.

"okay... if you decide to try I'll be up early tomorrow." You told him. As you turned to leave you noticed the sun set. Shit! It's a full moon tonight.

You bolted down not worrying about you medic bag incase of issues and just hoped there weren't any.

Peter was freaking out.

"Pete It's okay." You told him.

"Where were you?" He asked in a nervous yell.

"Running late, the next task is tomorrow." You reminded him.

"You're competing tomorrow!" Peter said in remembrance as you both walked out side.

"And I'll be okay." You said speeding up to match peter's stride.

"What about me almost attacking Cedric, if I was freaking out then what about out late with you." He said growing nervous and you knew that wasn't going to help anyone.

"Pete. You're going to be fine. I'll be fine." You reassured him.

"But-" You shut him up.


"what?" he asked.

"You're panicking, just calm down, breathe." You told him. He smiled at you lightly.

"Right." He said taking a deep breath.

"Let's go... the moon will be up soon." You told him, knowing that going for a swim after this wasn't going to be fun.

"Okay..." He said keeping calm.

You ran to the edge of the forest and dealt with the full moon as normal, your body had gotten used to the long hours of shifting again and you were just a little tired when you shifted back.

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