Chapter thirty nine - Hopeless at Hogwarts

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(Also gif above made me cry so here you go)

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(Also gif above made me cry so here you go)

Y/n pov

When your body hit the ground, you broke down in tears clutching your fathers cold corpse, he was truly gone. Wasn't he? You also felt a pain in your left leg, you were struck with another charm slashing you leg open.

You just held on to your father shaking. He was never so pale as he was right now, he was cold to the touch, his eyes remained closed though, he had refused to look at his daughter when she struck him down.

"Harry! Harry!" Albus Dumbledore seized him as screams rose out, people realizing what was happening. Harry kept trying to not leave Cedrics body.

"He's back!" Harry claimed. "Voldemorts back!" Harry cried.

"Harry let go you can't help him now." Dumbledore said. You were trying to tune out voices but petrified shrieks and sobs still broke through.

"He wanted me to bring his body back." Harry cried. You just shutter crying into your father's chest. You wanted his warm embrace, his caring voice, he hadn't even seen your OWLs yet, he wouldn't ever see your sixteenth birthday, nor your fifteenth.
"I couldn't leave him, not there." Harry explained. You couldn't bare to look at Cedric's body, you could just imagine your kiss still, he died before you could make it official.

"It's alright Harry it's alright."  Dumbledore whispered to him in a soothing voice.

"Keep everybody in their seats a boy has just been killed." Cornelius tells McGonagall and Snape comes over to you. He sees your father and he attempts to pull you off of him.

"Stay off me!" You cried pointing your wand at him shaking.

"L/n, you mustn't stay like this." Snape said looking at your father.

"No, I'm not going to leave him, he's my dad... he's all I have left..." You cried looking back at his pale frame.

You watched Harry get pulled away by Moody and Snape pulled you off your father even as you tried to get back you could feel that Snape only wanted the best for you in this moment. You kicked and attempted to get away but you were unable.

"Let me through!" You heard the voice of Amos Diggory. You really saw it, you watched as he stared at Cedric's body in horror, grief enveloping his face.

"That's my son!" Amos cried he dropped to his knees. "That's my boy!" He called out into the night. "My boy!" Snape turned your head away from it all and you hid your face in his chest. You cried even more when you heard the wailing agony of Amos, you should've taken the cup, it should've been you, or you should've saved Cedric. Why didn't you react faster? Why didn't you kill Wormtail when you had the chance!?

You felt a strong wind blow by you all you no longer supported your own weight it was all Snape holding you away form the broken man crying over his son and your dead father, whom your sister had killed without hesitation. Snape held you by your shoulders and shushed you.

"Y/n... can I ask something of you?" He said in an oddly soft tone.

"M-Mhmp." You said with a closed mouth trying not to cry.

"Be strong right now. Be strong for your friends." He said making you wipe your teary eyes and nod you took a few sharp breathes but overall felt a bit calmer, you just tried to push your father and Cedric out of your mind.

You shook in fear your body felt like it was on fire... you were scared you were going to die... your hand was shaking and tensing from the memories of the curse which had been forced on you again and again. The pain was the last thing on your mind though.

"Severus, we should take her to the medical ward." McGonagall said making you shake your head.

"Harry first." You said sternly.

"Where is Harry?" Dumbledore asked noticed Harry was missing.

"Last I saw he was being pulled away by Moody." You told the three. Dumbledore rushed out with Snape, You and McGonagall by his side.

"We need to go to Moody's office. Do not fall behind." Dumbledore said in a stern tone.

"Y/n, you must go to the medical wing-" McGonagall said noticing your slight limp and the blood beginning to bleed through the bandages on your side.

"I'm not leaving Harry alone when he's in danger. I didn't then you'd be a fool to think I would now." You said without fully realising who you were talking to.

"She is staying by me Minerva." Dumbledore assured.

You heard them talking but didn't bother processing his words. You just needed to get to Harry. Harry was all that mattered right now and that's what drove you in this moment.

(I know it's short but the next one would be way too long with this and I just felt like this needed to be a chapter on its own.)

Slytherins Heir [Draco X Reader] - Year FourWhere stories live. Discover now