Chapter thirty eight - Escape

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Y/n pov

You saw Voldemort torture Harry and you sat up feeling light you got ready to run.

"Harry!" You called trying to get to him but spells are coming at you from your sister. You wanted to run to Harry, take him away but getting yourself killed wouldn't help Harry right now.

You saw Voldemort get Wormtail to release Harry and give him his wand, Harry was shaking he shouldn't be standing on that hurt leg.

"You've been taught how to duel Harry Potter?" Voldemort said calmly.

"Harry. Just remember t-" You were cut of by a spell slashing you arm open and you're met with the dark eyes of your sister.

"Y/n-!" Harry said walking towards you. You put your hand out stopping him.

"Stay there." You warned him. If he ran to you, he'd likely be killed. You ignore the pain in your arm from your sister's spell which was causing a large gash on your right arm.

"Why Kathy? You were my best friend? My sister?" You ask feeling your heart break looking at what has become of your beloved sister. She looked murderous, not afraid to kill anything in her way... she loved your father... so nothing could stop her now, no one to love, but her 'master'.

"You are the most powerful witch of all time, as soon as mom and dad found out they spent all their time making sure you were happy. They sent me away!" You sister yelled firing another cruse at you, it barley missing you.

"Kathy... but you helped me figure out it was Mom... or you lead me to believe it was her." You said.

"Please I lied, gave you fake theories, the dreams I made you see planting suspicion. I made you scared, made you trust me more, you're too easy to manipulate."

"If you do this, I will not follow you." You heard screaming and saw Harry you attempted to run but another spell hit your thigh making you grimace.

"Stay resistant Harry!" You called hoping he understood you were going to get to him soon. You looked at your sister.

"Please, I don't want us to fight eachother... I love you, you're my sister." You told her with begging eyes.

"Love is pathetic." Kathy said before using the Cruciatus curse again. You yelled out obviously making some death eaters uncomfortable with her enthusiasm.

Your head lulled on the ground. She stopped and you shuddered, you felt like if you closed your eyes you'd never open them.

"Join the Death Eaters... it's your destiny." She said lightly, crouching beside you.

"...hmmp..." You attempted to talk but you were in too much pain.

"You already tried to kill him, you used what he taught you against him... you'll join us one way or another." Kathy smiled and you used your free hand and punched her in the face. You had the high ground standing above her body on the grass. This wasn't your sister.

"You killed our father, you have no remorse in your damaged heart, you are not my sister. Not the Kathrine L/n I grew up with." You used a spell to tie her up and ran to Harry. You knew it wouldn't hold her but you couldn't bring yourself to do anything else.

Harry was dueling Voldemort you pointed your wand at Voldemort read to cast when you heard a voice behind Harry.

"Crucio!" Your sister cast pointing her wand at Harry. You blocked it and stood back to back with Harry.

"I told you I'd have your back Harry." You mutter. Your sister has blood dripping from her lips and a broken nose, you could tell this was going to be bad for you.

"Diffindo!" She cast, you couldn't block it, it managed to hit your left side effectively slicing it open, you fell to the ground in pain ... you were going to bleed out here in a graveyard... surrounded by Death Eaters.

"We need her alive." Voldemort reminded Kathy. Moving his eyes to you and her.

"She will be my lord. Barely." She smiled as she cast Crucio. You couldn't cast back because you were just keeping pressure on your open wound. You didn't want to die here, anything but here.

You just whimpered and let out the odd yell in pain you watched Harry begin to struggle.

"Keep fighting Harry." You cried through a particularly nasty zap of pain.

Your sister was holding her side you had clearly done some damage but she just tortured you. You saw beads of light from the connection from between Voldemort's wand and Harry's.

One went into Voldemorts wand and you saw a dome of light smoke covered you, harry, Voldemort and Kathy making all other death eaters excluded.... You saw a head, torso... Cedric...

"Don't let go Harry." Cedric said his voice echoing. His voice making you cry even when you thought you had no more tears, more managed to come with his presence. You whimpered in pain at your sisters torture.

Next Bertha Jorkins came out of the wand.

"Hold on Harry! Don't let him get to you! Don't let go" She cheered on. Voldemort really did kill her... poor girl.

Next a women, young, she looked like... You could see it Lily Potter?

"Your father is coming." She said to Harry. "He wants to see you." You felt your pain increase and screamed; the ghosts looked at you.

"Fight it Y/n! use the magic you used before." Cedric reminded you, upon hearing his voice you felt calm. You nodded and you looked at your sister. You used all the pain to your advantage; you just pointed your wand at Kathy and cast her into some headstones and watched her go limp. You huffed looking at Cedric. His eyes bore into you.

"I would've loved us too." You said taking the word out of his mouth, he gave you a sympathetic smile. You slowly stood up and used a bandaging charm that you used on Harry around your waist to stop you from bleeding out. You saw Harry was losing, he wouldn't be able to hold on for long. You put your hand on Harry's shoulder lightly and closed your eyes, like in Azkaban you were transferring energy making his spell more powerful. You couldn't keep this up forever, you were exhausted but you weren't going to let Harry die.

"When the connection is broken we will linger for a few moments. You must grab the portkey it will take you both back to Hogwarts." Lily told you both.

"Harry... Y/n, do me a favour will you? Take my body back to Hogwarts? To my parents. Your fathers too." Cedric said you looked at how close Cedric and Your father was they could touch.

"Do it, be ready to run." James said. You were amazed at how much Harry looked like him. You just saw Harry nod. You would make sure he lived and you bet Lily and James knew that too.

"NOW!" Harry shouted diving and running you ran too. You shifted into a wolf and threw one death eater in your way into ones chasing you. You grabbed onto your father's shirt and Harry did the same with Cedrics body.

"Accio!" You shouted you caught the cup and made sure Harry got a handle. You felt a curse hit you but you were already traveling now. You were going to be safe.

You could just see colours and nothing but two thoughts filled your head. Harry was safe and Voldemort was back.

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