the washing machine

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Ahsoka invited everyone to 'why does Anakin smell so bad?' Chat

Ahsoka: okay, seriously when was the last time you washed your clothes Anakin?

Obi Wan: I was just about to ask him the same thing.

Rex: yeah, why does General Skywalker smell so bad?

Padme: I don't think he's washed any of his clothes in months

Anakin: uh, hello! I'm right in this chat and you all are being rude!

Ahsoka: well maybe if you didn't smell so bad

Jesse: yeah. I almost fainted because your clothes smelled so bad


Padme: care to explain the reason behind that, Anakin?

Anakin: well...

Obi Wan: this better not be crazy like that time you pretended to be a pig for a whole week

Ahsoka: oh, I remember that, lol

Rex: I don't think count Dooku knew what to think when Anakin charged right at him like an angry hog

Hardcase: wait I thought you said he was acting like a pig?!?

Fives: uh, their the same thing

Hardcase: oh, okay. That's like the time Jesse explained to me that cheetahs were just like speeder bikes.

Rex: -facepalm-

Anakin: so, it starts like this. It was a hard day after battle

Obi Wan: you mean goofing off?

Anakin: please, no interrupting.

Padme: go on then

Anakin: so I was bringing my clothes to the washing place, when...

Tup: hey guys. What's going on?

Fives: shh!!

Ahsoka: Anakin is telling us the story behind his clothes smelling so bad.

Rex: yeah.

Padme: its going to be crazy, I know that for sure.

Obi Wan: me too

Anakin: whatever happened to no interruptions?

Hardcase: I dount know!

Jesse: lol

Rex: I feel like you were waiting a long time to say that

Hardcase: yes. Approximately two years and 27 days

Fives: talk about determination

Ahsoka: back to the story now, Skyguy. I wonder what happened

Anakin: so, as I was saying, before you all interrupted, I was about to say...

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