Dead Chat

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*Huge big Star Wars spoilers*

Fives: you can only enter this chat if you've died before

Anakin: dead! Vader killed me!

Kit: that's like saying you killed yourself

Obi Wan: he killed me too

Shak Ti: I've died so many times I've lost count

Tup: I can't believe I died

Jesse: and me. I wonder if anyone cried when I died

Yoda: dead, I am

Mace Windu: I'm dead too, because of Anakin Skywalker!

Padme: #dead

Sidious: he he he, same

Mace Windu: your also the reason I'm dead

Maul: I died...then came back...then died

Gregor: I've got the same story

Ventress: I'm dead inside and out

Dooku: apprentice

Ventress: dude you killed me

Dooku: and Skywalker killed me!

Aayla: Bly killed me...😭😥😭

Luminara: idk who shot me down. They owe me an apology!

Ki Adi Mundi: it was order 66 they killed me as well

Adi Galada: I was stabbed to death

Savage: me. And I'm also dead

Satine: ...I died too

Obi Wan: at least we're here together dear

Anakin: #theshipstillsails

Fives: even though their dead

Hardcase: I blew myself up!

Anakin: Wrecker would be proud

Thorn: new here, but dead

Padme: hi

Pre Visla: dead. I died honorably though

Satine: sister would disagree

Tup: wait, I just thought of something! Shouldn't everyone be added to the dead chat because in the end, everybody dies one way or another?


Kit: I did not see that coming

Plo Koon: me neither

Anakin: but they didn't really earn their death though!

Obi Wan: earning your death?

Satine: that's as weird as it sounds.

Grevious: Kenobi...I can't believe you blew my heart up! That was so disturbing and painful

Satine: so was being stabbed to death by the darksaber!

Maul: I would say sorry, but it totally broke Obi Wan

Yoda: failed at the no attachment rule, you have

Obi Wan:

Fives: now everyone say how you died or who killed you

Adi Galada: stabbed to death

Satine: killed by Maul and the darksaber

Savage: Sidious stabbed me with TWO lightsabers. Dude, there's such a thing as overkill

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