The Haunted Halloween Maze

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Anakin: So who's ready for tonight?

Ahsoka: -big inhale- me

Rex: I think so....

Fives: This is going to be so fun!

Aayla: And spooky!

Shaak Ti: Well, since you all insist that I go, I'm going

Kit: Come on, it'll be fun

Adi Gallia: You'll be shreaking two minutes in. I went last year to this haunted Halloween maze, and I almost didn't make it out of there

Satine: As in the tried to kill you??

Adi Gallia: No, they just acted like they were going to

Padme: Is that much better, lol

Satine: This sounds like it's going to be really creepy

Anakin: Oh, it will be....

Obi Wan: We'll be fine Satine

Jesse: So, do they actually have real knives and chainsaws and stuff?

Rex: Why do you want to know?

Cody: Are you sure you want to know?

Jesse: Just cause if they can bring their weapons I should be able to bring mine too, right?

Hardcase: I'll bring a blowdryer!

Ahsoka: 🤨

Rex: Don't ask...

Fives: I am so ready for this!

Anakin: Well good, because it's time to go. Anyone want to chicken out?

Obi Wan: You're the one who's scared of chickens, so you should be asking yourself

Anakin: 😒😒😒

Fives: I'm doing this!!!

Echo: -shrugs- why not

Jesse: I'm so in!

Hardcase: Me too!

Dogma: I broke my leg playing cornhole yesterday, so I'll have to pass

Cody: How did you break your leg by playing cornhole?

Dogma: Have you ever tried playing against Fives and Jesse? It gets competitive. Also Tup says there is no possible way he is ever going to a haunted cornmaze

Ahsoka: Shoulda guessed, lol. I'm in btw

Aayla: I'm so in!

Kit: Me too!

Adi Gallia: Me three. Nothing like an annual scare

Anakin: Pfft, this will be nothing like the whole rubber chicken deal... #scariestthingever

Obi Wan: I'm coming as well. Just to prove to Anakin that I won't scream

Anakin: Oh, you're going to. We made a bet that if he screams, he had to give me 1000 yams

Ahsoka: I won't even ask why it's yams, lol

Satine: I mean...I just feel like it's too late to back out now, so I'm in

Shaak Ti: I'm in. What's so creepy about walking through a corn maze though?

Adi Gallia: Oh, it gets creepy, believe me

Shaak Ti: I guess I'll find out for myself tonight

Barriss: I was going to go trick-or-treating, but everyone keeps telling me I'm too old and that this will be way funner, so I'm going.

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