8/ When you realized your feelings for him

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You realized you had a crush on Harry when he was crying over Dobby's dead body, and you wanted nothing more than for him to be happy again.


You realized your feelings for Ron when he helped you destroy a horcrux, and right after it was done he held you in his arms.


You initially realized you had something for Draco when you comforted him in the bathroom, but it wasn't until you grabbed his hand when Voldemort was calling him over at the Battle of Hogwarts, and he stayed, that you realized you loved him.


You realized how deep your infatuation with Neville was when you were sitting by the Black Lake with Harry, watching Neville study the plants, and how peaceful he looked while he concentrated.


You realized how much you enjoyed being around Fred when he comforted you on one of your sad days, and you never felt more comfortable.


You realized how much your love for George had evolved when he came back from the mission to distract the Death Eaters with a busted ear drum.


You always had a tiny crush on Oliver, but it expanded into much more the more time he spent with you, and when you flew together.


You had always assumed that Cedric wasn't really interested in you, after all he was a natural flirt, until he started spending every moment he could around you. That's when you let yourself cave in and start being fond of him.

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