17/ Favourite thing about you

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How you treat him like he's a person. Not like he's the chosen one, not like he's the most powerful one there. Like a human.


How you make everything seem easy and well done, and aren't afraid to help him see it like that too. You help him with anything whenever he asks.


How you stuck with him, even after knowing what a horrible person he had been before. You had met Bully Draco more than once, and still loved him.


How you sit through his boring and long rambling about plants, and really seem interested and involved.


Your laugh. He thinks it's really cute when you laugh, that's why he likes to make you laugh so much. He can't get enough of it.


George likes how you don't give in to the negative attitudes of the Slytherin, how you manage to be positive and bring light to your house.


How you love to compete with him, of course it's all fun and games, but he likes how you're down to make things a competition. And how much you love quidditch.


Cedric loves how kind and pure you are. He likes being around you because he feels happy, and you don't put pressure on him to be this cool guy everyone knows him as.

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