49/ Pajamas

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You get into bed beside him in pajama pants and a tight tank top, and usually forget to take your socks off before.


Mostly just a simple bra and spandex, nothing else. It gets pretty warm living by the beach, and you keep the house warm too.


You and Draco have matching undergarments, so his underwear match your panties and bra, so you wear those.


You have a little nightgown that you wear, that isn't too sexy, it's kind of just cute. You like it because you feel comfy and like a princess and he likes it because you look adorable in it. You also wear little slippers up until the bed, and love how warm they make your feet feel.


Yeah you have one of those super sexy one pieces that don't show too much, which you wear under a t-shirt, but the shirt usually ends up off anyways... so...


You wear a pink long sleeve sweater shirt with matching booty shorts, but sometimes you'll wear just the shorts and a bra.


You just wear a sports bra and athletic shorts, but on the occasion that his jersey is clean and doesn't need to be used the next day, you'll snatch that. He loves seeing you in it anyways.


You wear a pair of underwear and one of his big t-shirts, so that it covers your underwear, but it's also comfy.

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